Chapter 29

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"You must really like it here," Ridge said. "If you miss me, you could just pop in, you know. No need to dislocate your shoulder."

Ryleigh was sitting on the edge of one of the beds and Austin was standing beside her. She laughed at the comment and the sound struck Austin as utterly mesmerising. He hadn't often heard her laugh out loud before. In derision, maybe, but not genuinely.

"I didn't do it on purpose," she said. "Or at least I don't think I did." She drew a leg under her and plucked at her clothes. Austin and her had both gotten dressed since their return. Unable to stick her injured arm in a sleeve, she wore a sleeveless dress that gave Ridge good access to her shoulder.

"Normally I'd give people painkillers, but with the amount of silver still in your system, I don't think that's wise," Ridge said.

"I was afraid you'd say that." She inhaled slowly, as though taking in courage through the air. "I can take it."

The moment Ridge started manoeuvring her shoulder bones back in their proper positions, she hissed and looked away. Austin offered her his hand. She scowled first at it and then at him.

"It might help with the pain," he said.

With a roll of her eyes, she slipped her hand in his, a sigh slipping past her lips. She avoided both his gaze and her shoulder, looking straight ahead, her face a mask of stern stubbornness. The moment Ridge announced he was done, she pulled her hand back and scuttled a few inches further away from Austin.

"Usually it heals within a few hours," Ridge said, "but with the dismal state of your body, it's probably going to take up to a few days."

"It won't take that long," Ryleigh glanced at the clock. "It's four in the morning now. I should be fine by lunchtime. It might be a bit sore for a while longer, but I'll be able to move it just fine by then."

"I'm not so sure," Ridge said.

She waved his concern away with her good arm. "I've been here before."

"Well, I'd still like to keep you here for a few hours."

"I'm fine," Ryleigh said. "Really." She looked up at Austin, her eyes demanding his support.

"Is it necessary for her to stay here?" he asked.

"That fully depends on whether you trust her to keep still without supervision," Ridge said.

Austin didn't trust her with anything, let alone her own health. "Only a few hours?"

"Austin," she said, both a whining and a threatening quality to her voice.

"Yes, that should suffice for now. I just want to keep an eye on her. I don't like how pale she's looking, and we both know she's not going to let us know if she's feeling unwell."

"I'm right here," Ryleigh said, fighting the urge to cross her arms, since that would be exactly what Ridge was telling her not to do.

"I'll come get you for breakfast," Austin said. "Only a few hours. It's for your own good."

She threw her head back and groaned. "Traitor."

Austin ignored the euphemism. "Ridge, can you give us a moment?"

Ridge nodded and retreated without a word. A frown settled on Ryleigh's features. "What's so secret that Ridge can't hear it?"

Austin slid his hands into his pockets. "My wolf's certain there's nothing wrong with your wolf."

Ryleigh blinked. "Well, I appreciate his input, but you've seen with your own eyes that there's definitely something wrong."

"Yes, but perhaps your wolf is not the cause of it."

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