Something More to Hide

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"I'm not understanding how a family with this much personal security can just have someone waltz in and take a child without being caught". Detective Selwood complained to the forensics investigative team at their update meeting.

"There was no sign of a break in, all evidence points to this being done by someone with intimate knowledge of the property." One of the analysts said, displaying security footage for the team. "We did find something suspicious when we were going through the surveillance footage, it looks like whoever our kidnapper is might have gotten sloppy and missed dodging a camera" He paused the footage at a mere few seconds of footage and indeed a figure passed by in an obvious hurry. "This is of interest because the timing lines up with the assumed time of abduction... and the Alwyns have reiterated that no one but security staff had access to the house at night." Detective Selwood rewound and studied the footage.

"The image doesn't seem to match anyone on the security team, we're going to ask the parents if they can identify who this might be."

Taylor and Joe were called down to the station to view the footage themselves the next day. Detective Selwood paused the tape at the time stamp where the figure in question passed by the playroom camera in a blink and miss it moment.

"I know the image isn't 100% clear but do you have any idea of who this could be? Are you able to identify any clothing, or unique features that would help us out?" Taylor's eyes took a moment to adjust.

"Can you please play it again." She asked.

When Detective Selwood replayed the footage at a slower frame. A cold chill ran through her body – she recognized the sweater the figure was wearing, Only one person could have been gifted that sweater.

"That's Sarah! Oh my god! oh my god it's her, Joe she took Louise!" She cried out hysterically turning to Joe.

"Who?" Detective Selwood asked.

"Tay take a breath, are you sure?" Joe said urging her to calm down.

"Yes I'm sure! We need to find her now and get Louise back!"

"Sarah was our housekeeper, we relieved her of duty a while ago."

Det. Selwood radioed to have search warrant of Sarah's residence issued immediately and began assembling a search and rescue team.

When the police descended on Sarah's apartment she opened the door without any resistance.

"Can I help you with anything?" She asked calmly raising her hands in the air.

"We have reason to believe you may have abducted Louise Alwyn and have a warrant to search your apartment."

"Be my guest" She said casually. The search team searched the entire apartment and found no trace of Louise anywhere. Det. Selwood didn't like the way Sarah acted so nonchalant. and made the team sweep the rooms one more time. Surely enough folded neatly and hidden in a suitcase was a baby's peach colored onesie patterned with white clouds.

"Detective." The cop gestured toward the onesie.

"How do you explain this?" Det. Selwood demanded to Sarah

"I think I'm going to need a lawyer." Sarah said carefully.

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