A Generous Proposal

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Their driver immediately drove them from court to the hospital where Taylor's OBGYN Dr. Green was waiting. After running some tests she determined that Taylor's blood pressure was almost approaching the top level of concern for pregnant women.

"Taylor, I know you're going through a very stressful time but I'm going to need you to try and eliminate some stressors in your life. All of these blood pressure spikes are not good for you or the baby. You not going to like what I'm about to say but I am ordering you to bedrest until we see improvements in your BP numbers."

"I understand where you're coming from but you don't understand I NEED to be in court every day for Sophie." Taylor responded trying to sit up, the medication was beginning to take effect so her headache was gradually clearing. But she still felt really weak.

"Believe me I know how important the court case is to you but you are putting both of your lives at serious risk if you don't commit to medication and bed rest immediately." Dr. Green explained trying to remain as calm but firm as possible.

"Babe, I think we should go with what Dr. Green is recommending. It's too risky to have you continuing to go to court. All it does it stress you out and make you ill." Joe said agreeing with the doctor. Taylor lay back down in her hospital bed exhaling deeply and staring up at the ceiling. She knew that they weren't wrong, lately she was feeling increasingly sick and it was impossible to ignore how her symptoms escalated especially after each court date.

"Okay..." she said softly.

"I know it's hard but trust me it's what's best for you and baby."

"Can I do bed rest at home or do I have to stay here?"

"I will release you to commit to bed rest at home but I need you to measure your blood pressure on schedule and contact us right away if your numbers are too high. If your BP does not improve you will have to be admitted." Taylor was clearly unhappy with having to go on bedrest for a variety of reasons. She has always been a get up and go person so being confined to bed would be like being in prison. But most importantly she worried about how this would affect Sophie, being on bedrest would mean she couldn't attend to her day to day needs the way she wanted. Of course she 100% trusted Joe and he was an amazing father but it still made her sad she wouldn't be as present as she wanted to be. Sensing the disappointment and sadness in the room Dr. Green attempted to lighten the mood in the room.

"Why don't we do an ultra sound to see baby before you head home shall we?" A nurse set up the ultrasound equipment and turned down the lights in the room. Dr. Green gently rolled the scanner over Taylor's belly. After a brief pause the strong rhythmic thumping of their baby's heartbeat filled the room.

"And there is little Miss Alwyn, looking nice and strong... if you look closely you can see her hand waving hello." Taylor reached for Joe's hand as they watched their new baby's image dance across the screen. No matter how many times they went for an ultrasound the feeling of watching their child grow never got old.

Parenting from bed was an interesting experience. Joe had tried to keep Sophie out of their room as much as possible to avoid stressing Taylor out. But she was an expert at being sneaky and could get passed him easily. Sometimes Sophie would bring games or crayons so they could colour together other times she just wanted to cuddle and watch a movie. While her blood pressure was improving it was still too high for Dr. Green to approve her to stop bedrest. More pressing was that court was set to resume again the next week. Things were expected to draw to a close soon which made everyone anxious. The hearings that Taylor had missed had just been a few witnesses such as Sophie's teachers and security staff who had testified that Taylor and Joe were wonderful hands-on parents. On the other side the Collins also brought witnesses that painted Carol and Steve as aggrieved parents who had their lives ripped apart by rich bullies. Joe still attended every hearing and sat through all of the ridiculous bullshit the Collins' team unleased but he kept it to himself and chose not to tell Taylor the worst of what was said. One night as they were settling in to go to sleep Joe turned to Taylor.

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