Chapter 10: You

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These past couple weeks have been flying by. James has taken me out on several dates since our first one. Our second date was to get ice cream and our third one was a picnic lunch that James put together himself. After that picnic was the first time we actually kissed. The experience was magical. In fact, yesterday was the first time we said 'I love you' to each other. We were going on a nice relaxing walk across a bridge when a car sped by, causing me to lose my balance and fall into the water below. James jumped in after me and pulled me to safety.

In other news, Dutchess Yolanda's dress is almost done which is good news for me because she is wearing on my nerves. That also means that the ball is getting closer. Though, something weird is happening to James. The closer we get to the date of the ball, the more distant he grows. He used to be so easy to talk to and now he rarely says a word to me. I'm worried I did something wrong, though I can't think of anything.

Today is the last day of working on Dutchess Yolanda's dress. The dress is stunning and will look amazing when the King announces his engagement to Dutchess Yolanda. James is in the shop with me, admiring my handiwork. Both of his arms hug me around the waist while his chin rests on my shoulder. Despite the smile on his face, I know he's forcing it.

I hear the jingling of my shop's bell but don't think much of it. Its become a regular sight to see James hugging me from behind when we are both in my shop. I am surprised, however, when I hear someone clear their throat behind us.

"Excuse me, but I was wondering if I can pick up my dress." Yolanda's curt voice slashes through the air as I set down my needle and thread.

"Dutchess Yolanda. Yes you can pickup your dress today. I was just finishing up some details on it." I gently remove the dress from my mannequin and wrap it in blue paper before setting it in a large white box. "Here you are. I hope you love it."

"I'm sure I will because I designed it. Now, for your payment," she motions to her driver and he hands me an envelope with $300 in it.

"Wow, thank you, Dutchess, but we established early on that the dress would be $435. Where's the extra $135?"

"Oh, I'm not going to pay that in money, but rather in information."

"What do you mean?" I ask, suspicious of her intentions. If she's trying to scam me out of $135 by giving me information, she's got another thing coming.

"What I mean is information about your 'boyfriend' James." She makes air quotes around the word boyfriend, almost like its the worst thing she can call him.

"Yolanda," James's voice is dangerously low.

"She deserves to know the truth, James. The truth about who you really are."

"You do that and our deal's broken."

"What deal? What is she talking about? James, what is going on here?"

"(Y/n), what is going on here is that James isn't who he says he is. He's actually the king. All he's been doing this whole time is playing some silly part to try and win your affections. He never loved you. All he was doing is feeding you a lie about his life and you just ate it up. So, tell me (Y/n)? Do you think this man ever loved you? Because from my point of view its obvious he doesn't."

My eyes get big. He lied to me? I slowly turn toward him.

"James. Is this true?"

He's staring at the floor, guilt written all over his normally gorgeous face. Faintly, I hear a mumble, "Yes."

I swear you can hear my heart break.

"You lied to me?"

"Look, (Y/n), it's not like that-"

"Then what is it like, James? Because, from my point of view, it looks like you lied to me from the very beginning!"

"(Y/n), I never meant to hurt you."

"See (Y/n), you can't trust him."

"That's enough out of you, Yolanda. Leave now," James barks at the Dutchess.

"Is that how you're going to talk to your future wife?"

"You're not my wife, and you never will be. Now get out."

Yolanda storms out of my shop, but I still can't focus because of the truth that was just told to me.

"I can't believe you James! You're the king?! I can never trust you now! Was this all part of your plan? Make the poor clueless peasant girl who has no idea who you are fall in love with you? Was that why Dutchess Yolanda kept talking about me being a concubine? She was in on it, too!"

"(Y/n), I do care about you it's just-"

"Just what, Your Majesty? You lied to me. You broke my trust. I can't believe I told my fears and worries to the actual ruler of the kingdom!"

"Please, (Y/n). I wanted to tell you, but I just couldn't find the right time."

"Oh like there ever was a right time to tell me you are the king! You know what, just get out of my shop."

"(Y/n), please-"

"No. Just get out of my shop."

I don't know when Jordan showed up at my side, but he pulls me into a hug and I cry into his shirt. Sobs wrack my body continuously as I try to process what just happened. I cry even harder when I realize that a few weeks ago James and I were hugging after Dutchess Yolanda scared me the second time.

"(Y/n), I just want you to know that you are invited to the ball in two days."

"What is wrong with you?! You break her heart, then ask her to come to an event made just for you."

I look at him through blurry eyes, mumbling out, "How could you?"

That's when I see his heart break for good in his eyes. He really did care about me. Before I could change my mind, I let go of Jordan and run to my bedroom in the back of my shop. Jumping onto my bed, I bury my face into my pillow and sob. I hear Jordan yelling at the king, but I can't make out what he's saying.

After a couple minutes, I hear footsteps approach my bed before a hand slowly rubs my back to calm me down. Looking up, I see Jordan's normally bright blue eyes dimmed by sadness. 

"Why did he have to lie to me like that, Jordan?"

"I don't know, but he really does care about you, (Y/n)."

"How can you say that?! He lied to me! You know better than anyone that I don't like it when people break my trust."

"I know, but you saw the pain in his eyes when he saw you crying. He does care about you."

"What should I do, Jordan? I don't know what to do! He broke my heart! Then he had the nerve to ask me to the ball? What kind of sick game is he playing?"

"I don't think he is playing. Maybe he thought that, if there was the small chance that you would forgive him, he wants you there."

"The ball was for him to announce who he was going to be betrothed to. And Dutchess Yolanda said too that it would be her who would be wearing a diamond ring. Why would he even want me there anyway?"

"Because he does love you, (Y/n).

"You're on his side?! Unbelievable!"

"(Y/n), if you saw him, you would know he loved you. And I'm willing to bet it's not one-sided."

We stay silent for several minutes, me contemplating and sorting through the events of what happened. I can't believe this! Does he really want me there? Does he really love me? Did he really love me?

"Tell you what. You and I both go to the ball, and see what happens. If he does miss you, alright. If he doesn't, or anyone gives us any sort of problem, I'm getting the both of us out of there. So, what do you say?"

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