Chapter 11: James

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I'm in the tailor shop with (Y/n), my arms wrapped around her waist. She's finishing up Yolanda's dress, which is making me uneasy. The date of the ball is almost here and I still haven't told (Y/n) that I'm the king. I know the longer I put it off, the more I'll have to follow through with my deal with Yolanda and marry her.

I've been coming over here a lot recently. Just something about being around (Y/n) that simultaneously calms me down and freaks me out. Our first kiss was the second happiest moment in my life, save for when we first met. 

We were just enjoying each other's presence and the peace of an empty shop when the classic bell above the door jingled in announcement. It's nothing unusual to see (Y/n) and I together in the shop, but the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us ruins the moment.

"Excuse me, but I was wondering if I can pick up my dress." Yolanda's curt voice slashes through the air as I turned my head in the direction of her voice. Nothing good could come from her being here.

"Dutchess Yolanda. Yes you can pickup your dress today. I was just finishing up some details on it." (Y/n) gently takes the dress off her mannequin and lays it in a large white box with blue tissue paper. "Here you are. I hope you love it."

"I'm sure I will because I designed it. Now, for your payment," she motions to her driver and he hands her an envelope with $300 in it.

"Wow, thank you, Dutchess, but we agreed early on that the dress would be $435. Where's the extra $135?" (Y/n)'s quizzical expression makes me narrow my eyes slightly. What is Yolanda planning?

"Oh, I'm not going to pay that in money, but rather in information."

Now I'm really suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is information about your 'boyfriend' James." She makes air quotes around the word boyfriend like she couldn't think of anything worse to call me.

 Now I'm angry. "Yolanda," my voice is dangerously low.

"She deserves to know the truth, James. The truth about who you really are."

"You do that and our deal's broken."

"What deal? What is she talking about? James, what is going on here?"

"(Y/n), what is going on here is that James isn't who he says he is. He's actually the king. All he's been doing this whole time is playing some silly part to try and win your affections. He never loved you. All he was doing is feeding you a lie about his life and you just ate it up. So, tell me (Y/n)? Do you think this man ever loved you? Because from my point of view its obvious he doesn't."

I can't believe she did that. She really wants me to herself that bad? Well, the deal's over. If she can't hold up her end of the deal, I have no obligation to hold up mine. I stare at the floor in humiliation and guilt. I just see (Y/n) turn her lead to look at me.

"James. Is this true?"

All I can do is mumble, "Yes."

I swear I can hear hear heart break.

"You lied to me?"

"Look, (Y/n), it's not like that-"

"Then what is it like, James? Because, from my point of view, it looks like you lied to me from the very beginning!"

"(Y/n), I never meant to hurt you."

"See (Y/n), you can't trust him."

I turn my attention on the Dutchess and bark at her,"That's enough out of you, Yolanda. Leave now."

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