#189- restaurant troubles -DDM

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~| age: 2 |~
~| daddy: Niall Horan! |~
~| Dada: Harry Styles! |~
~| y/n: your name |~
~| summary: they take you out to dinner and you act terribly! until you get punished |~

requested by lailani_irwin
sorry you requested this like 3 weeks ago!! 😭💕 so this is a long chapter just for you!

Niall POV:

The night before y/n was born was the last time me and boyfriend harry, had gone out to real fancy dinner

but now that y/n is maybe a little more behaved and controlled we decided to go out tonight, we decided to take her to this fancy restaurant me and harry had our first date at,

" y/n come get dressed kitten " i heard harry shout out as y/n giggled hiding behind me, i smiled picking her up, as she was wrapped in a towel, hair soaking wet. " daddy! " she squeals as i blow raspberries on her cheeks.

I bring her back to a shirtless harry as i chuckle, i was already dressed and harry.....was in the process, " you get dressed, I'll deal with her " i say kissing harrys lips as y/n whines, " what? " i say confused as she puckers her lips, i chuckle and peck her lips as she smiles and i start getting her dressed, and eventually put a bun in her hair with a white bow.

Once we were done, we brought a small fancy bag filled with y/n's stuff, extra diapers and wipes, pacifier, a jacket incase it got cold and her tablet as a distraction.

" how does my hair look " harry asked in a serious manner, " it looks amazing " i say as y/n makes grabby hands to harry.

" wow " she says smiling as me and harry both chuckle, we start to leave until y/n said she had to use the bathroom, harry took her really quick while i started the car,

" did she go " i ask as harry nods getting in the car, " good job love " i say as she giggles, " thanks "

" promise to behave for dada and daddy, princess " i say as y/n nods, " good girl " she repeats happily, i carry her in and we tell them we have a reservation to be in the back with the huge table and the amazing view of the outside.

we get to our table and we ask for a high chair! bad idea

" sit down y/n now " harry says sternly as she whines kicking her feet. " here here want this " i say giving her the tablet but she only drops it on the floor.

" Y/n Storan " i say hitting her hand, not to hard but enough to get her attention. " no hit " she sniffles as i shake my head picking up the tablet.

she rolls her eyes at me and harry as we try to give her things to distract her, but she just didn't want to sit in the high chair.

the waiter comes and we order our drinks and food and the whole time y/n was whining, and reaching out for either me or harry.

" your gonna eat princess, the food is gonna come and your gonna have yummy nums " i say as she pouts and ignores me.

me and harry start talking about the trip we had planned for tomorrow to go see his family back at home, y/n's been wanting to see her aunt Gemma for a while so they could have a 'girls day'. Gemmas got her into painting her nails, doing her hair, all that girly stuff.

" daddy! sit with you " she whines as i shake my head, " no y/n, your much safe there " i say as she shakes her head doing the same with harry, and harry was much more stern then me, I was scared of him sometimes, but he didn't tolerate bad behavior from her.

Especially not in public!

" y/n, behave or it's a trip to the bathroom " he says as i sigh. I really did hate punishing y/n. that's why harry did all the punishments-

After punishment she'll give you those eyes! and you'd want to bang your head against the wall with guilt.

she got to the point where she was so mad she spilled  her drink on the floor and shouted at harry,
he's had it.

" just relax harry, she's a baby " i say as he shakes his head taking y/n from the chair as she cried, he walked to the bathroom while i got somebody to clean it up,

i tried to help but he wouldn't let me.

Harry POV:

i brought y/n to the family room restroom bringing her little bag with me, " y/n your not being a very good girl and im very upset with you " i say sternly as she just cries trying to push me away.

" bad dada bad " she says trying to hit me, i spank her bottom as she gasps and starts crying again,

" when daddy and dada say no, you can't act a brat because you don't get your way " i say as she throws her self on the ground.

I pick her up forcefully and lay her  upper body on my lap while her feet were down on the floor, i pull down her shorts leaving her diaper, and flip her skirt up.

spank, spank, spank

" you need to start behaving y/n, and your gonna apologize to me and to daddy "

spank, spank, spank

once i finished she cried into my chest repeating "no mwore" i shushed her wiping her tears,

" no more being bad alright! " i say as she nods. " i sorry dada " she says hugging me as i rub her back and peck her lips, " i forgive you kitten, promise you'll be good " i say as she nods, " pwomise " she says sniffling and wiping her tears.

before leaving i had to change her diaper, but once we got back to the table our food had just arrived and i set her down next to niall,

" sorry daddy, no mwore bad " she says sniffling and kissing his lips quickly before laying her head on his shoulder, he hugs her and kisses her cheek repeatedly as she giggles, we set her back in her high chair with no problems this time.

dinner went great after that!

Niall POV:

y/n didn't finish all her food but she ate most of it, we got some to go, harry didn't finish his big meal either, but i sure finished mine!

we got to the car as i put y/n in her car seat, i notice she was staring at me, i smile putting my forehead on hers before she whispers " daddy.....i love you " my heart melts as i kiss her forehead.

" i love you so much more my little love " i say as she smiles and hugs me.

I get in the drivers seat, and look back to see y/n looking out the window,

" when we get home, it's bedtime we can take you a shower tomorrow morning before we have go to the airport. I say as y/n just nods tiredly.

I smile kissing harrys cheek before placing a hand on his upper thigh feeling him tense up. I smirk squeezing lightly before he flicks my hand softly and i chuckle leaving the parking lot all the way home.

while y/n went to sleep me and harry had our own quiet fun.!

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt