#4- Mine -BSM

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||y/n- your name||
||y/n/n- your nickname||
||Kiera- Nialls Girlfriend
||summary: Niall brings his girlfriend over and you get jealous and want Niall all to yourself||

Today Niall and his girlfriend Kiera were over for lunch and your mom told you that he would be bring something special you thought it was toy but soon found out it was a girl and you weren't happy about it

Kiera and Niall were sitting on the couch cuddling and you were jealous

"NiNi can you come play with me" you asked him

"Maybe later y/n" he said

Which made you mad so you got a little pillow from the couch and hit him with hit. "meanie"

He just shook it off and payed more attention to Kiera

You ran off to your mom making grabby hands for her to pick you up

"What's wrong baby" she said

"NiNi no wove me no more" you said sniffling

"hey that's not true he loves you very much princess"your mom told you wiping the tears that finally came out your eyes

"Niall could you come here a minute alone" your mom yelled from the kitchen

Niall walked into the kitchen seeing you cry and it broke his heart

"awe y/n/n why are you crying" he said trying to take you out your moms hands but you only whined and pushed him away

"she thinks you don't love her anymore because you've been with Kiera a lot" your mom said giving a little smile

"ah someone's jealous, but she shouldn't be because I love her more then any other girl in the world" Niall said looking up at the ceiling, he always knew how to make you smile and giggle so when he said that you hid your face in your moms neck giggling slightly.

"How about we go to the store I'll buy you some candy" he suggested

You shot your head up and made grabby hands for him to carry you

He took you to put your shoes on but when you found out Kiera would be going with you your mood slightly changed

You put your head on his shoulder and heard his girlfriend saying
"I love your little shoes y/n"

"Thanks" you said really not paying attention to her

Once you got the store you tried getting out Nialls grip which you successfully did as the both chased you.

Kiera has grabbed you from behind and you didn't want her to hold you so you tried squirming to get out of her grip you kicked her leg and screamed until Niall came and grabbed you

"Y/n stop it apologize now" Niall said taking you from Kiera

"sowy" you said not looking at her

"Look at her and say it"he said turning you around

" I sowy Kiera " you said reaching out to hug her but it was only a 3 second hug then put you head back on Nialls shoulder

Walking home from the store Niall and Kiera were holding hands and you weren't happy so you went in the middle taking his hand saying "MINE"

Kiera and Niall laughed realizing what was going on

"I think somebody's a tad bit jealous" Kiera said poking my sides make me laugh a bit

"no I not jealous" you protested
"sure your not" Niall said

Once you got back home Kiera said she had to go so you were happy you got Niall to yourself again

Once she left you cuddled with Niall for the remainder of the day
because Niall was yours not anybody else's and you made sure of it
Word Count: 640
I remember be like this with my older brother but now the tables have turned ahaha I can't even be seen with a boy or else my brother would kill him 😂🤣

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα