#197- jealousy jealousy -ddm

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~| age: 17 |~
~| y/n: your name |~
~| summary: your father is jealous you guys haven't been spending a lot of time together, |~

Niall POV:

jealous. me i could never be.....

y/n had been hanging out with friends and since shes growing up i thought id give her some space, and let her be free. but this has gone wild-

we used to tell each other everything, she loved hanging around with me, id take her anywhere she wants to go, but now its always

"no its okay dad, ill go with sam" or "its fine dad just relax, charlottes taking me" its never
"yes dad please take me here, please lets hang out"

she used to never want to leave my side,

tonight i thought we could go see a movie and get some dinner, and i was about to ask her until she ran downstairs smiling,

"dad please! i love you so much, PLEASE let me go to this party" she says as i raise an eyebrow
"where is the party" i say

"its at Laylas house," she says,
"will her parents be there" i ask as her smile drops, "dad were responsible enough please can i go" she says as i just sigh rubbing my neck,

"yea i guess" i say with a small smile. she squeals happily kissing my cheek and hugging me thanking me

its around 6pm and y/n says she leaving, "be safe, be home by 10:30, i mean it" i say as she nods and smiles. " love you " i whisper and she runs out, Layla was y/ns best friend since kindergarten and she only lived a few blocks down, so she was safe.

it wasnt until 8 when i was on Instagram live and everybody in the live was commenting about how i was a bad father, and i was so confused until i read a comment to check y/ns Instagram stories along with her friends,

i bring out my laptop and go on Instagram to see alcohol, beer, smoke... i was so confused. my heart was beating fast i was angry i grabbed my phone ended the live and called y/n.

she didnt answer, i check her other friends stories and there's videos of y/n vaping, while others with cigarettes, y/n wasnt that stupid!!

shes drinking and smoking, i was furious.

y/n didnt get home until 11pm she tried sneaking in but i was right at the front door opening it for her.

"hey dad, had fun party was great goodnight" she says trying to rush past me but i grab her arm,

"ouch, " she says holding her arm as i loosen my grip, " sit down now " i say angrily as she sighs,

she sits down as i pace back and forth, " y/n i dont know what has gotten into you, vaping!? drinking!? are you crazy" i say loudly as she just sinks in the couch, " im sorry " she says as i shake my head and snatch her phone from her hand putting it in my back pocket.

" mine, one month! " i say as her jaw drops, " dont you dare-" i say as she closes her mouth.

"you never let me have fun!! im growing up deal with it " she says huffing as i feel my head start pounding, i clench my fist feeling my knuckles crack.

" i was supposed to take us out to dinner and a movie tonight, BUT I LET YOU GO, i let you hang out with your friends!! your never home anymore, you used to tell me everything NOW YOU JUST LEAVE!! when was the last time me and you did something together!, y/n im very upset, very jealous and it hurts my heart you saying that " i say loudly and clearly as i see her with teary eyes.

and all she says is " im sorry.... " because ya know that was going to fix everything!

i just sigh frustrated as i see her start trembling, i shake my had and hold her in my arms like i did when she was younger she cries into my chest mumbling im sorry over and over

" im sorry, and i promise to do better " she says as i just stay quiet hugging her, " i dont want you hanging around these bad people y/n i want you safe" i say as she looks up at me and i wipe her tears,

" your grounded, and youll be hanging out with me until your grounding is over " i say with a small smile poking her nose as she smiles, " i dont mind, ive missed you " she says as i smile.

"ive missed you more, and promise to continue telling me everything, " i say as she nods, "ive gotta tell you the gossip with jessica and lance " she says with a sniffled giggle.

" lets go bestie " i say in a valley girl voice as she just looks at me with a straight face, "ruined the moment?" i say as she nods pushing me away from her as i laugh,

" snacks and drinks movie and gossip night in my room " she says as i nod " after you shower and get this smell off of you " i say as she nods smiling as we race to get snacks and up to her room.

Niall Horan x BSM/DDMOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora