Chapter 34

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Samantha's POV

Ms. Tracey walked me to my first class, English, and pointed out some of the corridors where my other classes would be.

"At the end of the day, before you leave, come by the office okay?  I have some papers your parents, uh, the Josephs, will need to fill out. PE forms and stuff. Okay?" She said as we stood in front of a classroom door.

I nodded.

"And Samantha, I know you've had it rough, but you're safe here, okay?  It's a good school, and if you have any questions or problems, you come see me, okay?"

I nodded again. It's easier to agree. Adults never mean what they say.

Ms. Tracey knocked on the classroom door and the teacher came to the door. She was tall and had blonde hair and blue eyes. She kind of reminded me of Jenna. She had a really nice smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Wilson. You have a new student joining you today. This is Samantha Deitz. She's just transferred from Maple Middle School. Samantha, this is your English teacher, Mrs. Wilson. She'll get you all set up, okay?"

Ms. Tracey lightly pushed me forward towards the classroom.

"Good morning Samantha. Welcome to Appleton Middle School. Come on in. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?" She asked. I looked in the room and 30 pairs of eyes stared back at me. I shook my head.

"That's alright, it's intimidating starting a new school in the middle of the term. You can take that desk there, by the window, middle of the row, okay? We're discussing the book "The Giver". Have you read it?"

I shook my head. Great. I was already behind.

"That's alright. We just started it. I'll get you a copy and you can catch up to us. It's not a long book. You'll be caught up in no time, I bet."

I doubted that. As much as I love to read, my dad always told me reading was a waste of time for a girl.

Mrs. Wilson walked me to my seat and went back to the front of the room. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I took off my back pack and jacket and sat down. Mrs. Wilson came back with a copy of the book everyone had out on their desks.

"You just listen to the discussion for now, and if you can read the first two chapters before tomorrow's class, you'll be caught up and you can join the discussion," she smiled at me.

She returned to the front of the room. I flipped through the book. It wasn't very long. The girl beside me kept staring at me.

"Hi," she whispered. I smiled at her.

"Jill! Focus, please," Mrs. Wilson said. The girl turned her head back to the front.

The class discussed the first chapter of the book. So far all I could gather was that it took place in the future and no one could remember anything. And apparently the world is in black and white. Weird.

The bell rang at the end of the class so I put the book in my back pack and gathered my jacket and the bag and looked at the schedule Ms. Tracey had pressed into my hand. Science.

I started out of the room. The girl, Jill, came up to me.

"Hi again. What do you have next?" She asked.

I showed her my schedule.

"I have the same class! I'll show you where it is." She smiled. I shrugged and followed her. She chattered the whole way to the science wing and showed me different things around the school.

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