Chapter 69

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Samantha's POV

"Don't forget you stupid girl, you may live somewhere else. You may have new so-called parents, but you will always be my kid. And soon enough they'll be tired of you and all the problems you cause. They'll kick you out just like I should have done after your useless mother died," he said to me.

I looked around. I was in my old house. How did I get here? How did he get here?

"No. You're wrong," I said. "You're not here."

"Stupid girl. You can't escape me that easily. Man, I wish I'd done this the night your mother died," he levelled the gun at me and pulled the trigger.

"Samantha, Samantha, wake up! Wake up sweetheart. You're having a nightmare. Sweetie, come on, wake up," I heard.

I also heard screaming. Who was screaming like that?

I was. It was me screaming. Arms were around me, someone rubbing my back. I stopped screaming and started crying instead.

"That was some nightmare, huh?" The voice said. It was Jenna. I was breathing hard and trying to get my breath. I clung to Jenna.

Tears were streaming down my face.

"Want to talk about it?" Tyler asked, sitting on the bed beside me. I shook my head. I didn't think I'd be able to talk about it just yet.

"Might as well check your blood sugar while we're here," Tyler said, picking up my kit.

I offered him my shaky hand.

"Uh, I guess I'll do it for you, huh? You're still pretty shaky. Do you feel low?" He asked. I shook my head.

Tyler set the kit up and tested my sugar.

"84, that's good, right?"

I nodded.

"You okay, kid?" Josh asked from my bedroom door. I looked up from Jenna's shoulder and shrugged.

"That sounded like a doozy," he said. "You haven't had one like that in a while."

I shrugged. Again.

Tyler cleaned up the kit and gave me a smile and a kiss on my head.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Alright. I'm gonna go back to bed. You need anything, just call, okay?"

I nodded again. Jenna made to get up as well. I clung to her.

"Want me to stay for a while?" She asked. I nodded.

"No problem. Move over," she smiled and climbed into bed with me. She pulled me close to her and I felt safer. But not safe enough.

I did manage to fall asleep again, but Stanley kept creeping into my dreams. I was woken by Jenna at least twice.

When my alarm went off in the morning both of us looked rough.

"Good morning, my beautiful daughter," she said to me. "Let's get you up and ready for school, okay?"

I nodded.

"Rough night, huh?" She said, looking at me sympathetically.

I nodded.

"Well, it's Friday. You can come home and nap after school if you want. You'll have the weekend to get your homework done."

I nodded.

She handed me my test kit and I checked my sugar. 72. Not bad. She smiled and left the room so I could get ready for school.

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