Chapter 62

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Jenna POV

I hung up my phone and ran to grab my purse. 

"Jenna, what's up? Who was that?" Tyler asked. 

"It was the school.  Someone beat Samantha up!" I said. 

"What!?" Tyler said, standing up. Josh jumped up as well. 

"They asked me to come get her and take her to the hospital. They're worried about broken ribs."

"How bad is  it?" Josh asked. 

"I don't know. But I'm going to get her now," I said. 

"I'm coming with you," Tyler said, pulling on his jacket. 

"Me too," Josh said. "She's gonna want her Uncle there."

We ran out to the car and I sped to the school. I pulled in in front and we went inside to the office. 

"Mrs. Joseph.  Hi. I'm so sorry about this. Especially after our discussion this morning.  Samantha's lying down in the nurse's office. I'll take you down there, and you can take her to the doctor," Ms. Tracey said. 

We walked down the hallway quickly and into the nurse's office. 

"Hi there, Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph, um, and other adult?" Nurse Taylor said. "Samantha's here, she's resting, but I think you ought to take her to the hospital. I think she's got at least one broken rib."

I ran over to Samantha who was lying on a cot in the nurse's office holding an ice pack to her face. 

"Sam, honey, what happened?"

"M- Jenna!" she said, trying to sit up. "Adam beat me up." 

"Why? What happened?" I asked her as I helped her sit up. She was holding her side with her free hand. 

"I called him out on his bullshit.  He's the kid who's been bullying Jill and I and I had enough. So I called him out," she coughed and winced. "I stood up for myself."

"Okay. Well, good job standing up for yourself, too bad this kid beat you up. Let's get you up and to the hospital, okay?"

Samantha nodded and I helped her stand up. She coughed again and winced. 

"Should we maybe call an ambulance?" I asked the nurse. 

"If you drive carefully, she should be fine," the nurse said.  

Samantha coughed again, and some blood was on her hand. She started to panic.

"I'm calling an ambulance," Tyler said. I tried to calm Samantha down.

"It's okay sweetheart. Just relax.  We're going to call an ambulance and we'll get you sorted out, okay?"

She nodded. 

We didn't wait long for an ambulance to show up. The paramedics came in. 

"At least it's not the same ones as last time," Samantha joked. 

"I see you kept your sense of humor," Josh said, kneeling in front of Samantha. She smiled. 

"Hey there," the paramedic said to Samantha. "Do you mind if I check you out? You've got a nice shiner under that ice pack, huh?"

"I've had worse," she said. 

"You're a scrapper, are you?" he said to her. She shrugged, and then winced. 

The paramedic checked her head and eyes, felt her neck, and she said none of that hurt.  Then he started checking her sides and she winced and cried out when he pushed lightly on the lower part of her chest. 

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