Depth and weakness

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I feel a strong grip on my wrist and next I know,he was dragging me away from there.

I was still shocked to comprehend anything.

My eyes fixed at the boy laying unconscious on the floor behind.
Who I was staring at over my shoulder.

Is he fine? Shouldn't we help him?
After all it's Neil's birthday and he is our guest.

But before I could voice my thoughts,we took a turn and he was out of my sight.
I look in front to see Aaron's broad back on me.

His jaw clenched tightly as he pulled me along.

I see people making way for him,girls gawking at him and looking at me in envy.
Jeez girls,he is just holding my arm.

It's not like he is kissing me.


I try to call for his attention but he doesn't bother.

The boy was hurt,we should get a doctor.
For humanity sake atleast.

I try pulling my arm but his grip only got stronger.
People were staring but he doesn't bother, making his way upstairs like he is the King of this place.

What if the boy dies there? Will I be considered a murderer?
He was bleeding...what if the blood doesn't stop flowing.

Oh come on Ezra. He just punched him, it's not like he stabbed him.

Well true...but still. We should inform Neil atleast.

"Aaron wait! The boy he..."

Next I know I was brought back to his room and he slammed the door shut.
Leaving my wrist and turning around to run his fingers through his hair.

"We should go back. He is hurt...he was bleeding Aaron!"

His angry eyes stop at me and I gulp. Why does he look like he wants to murder me.
I didn't said anything wrong did I?

He steps closer to me, and I clench my fists.
Don't be afraid... don't be afraid.

"Why are you concerned about that asshole or is it that you like him? Did you initiated it?"

My eyes widen. can even think that way.
He steps closer and I move my head in a no.
Placing my hands infront of me to only have them hit his chest in the process.

"I...I ..he...just came and...I..."

"You what? You stood there like a statue doing nothing. Don't you have your hands with you? You could have slapped him!"

Why was he scolding me?
I feel tears stung my eyes by his tone.
No one talks to me in that tone, they are all sweet with me.

Except for him and in these 5 years I almost forgot how it is to feel his hatred,his detest on seeing my face.

"See Ezra I am not like Neil and Ben. I won't be fuc**** cleaning your tears and doing sweet talking with you."

I know and maybe that's why it hurts more.
The truth always hurts more.

"If I wouldn't have come on time. He would have forced himself on you and you know the worst part?"

"No one would have cared in this crazy party."

Another tear leaves my eyes and I close my eyes.
Hugging myself tightly,I was still shaken by the incident and he was making it worse.

I was so stupid. It was my fault as well!
Why am I such a loser! Creating problems wherever I go.

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