The shattering

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"The greatest agony in life is not when you hate them for hurting you.

But when your hate yourself, for giving them the monopoly to hurt you."

        - suzangill

                Ezra's pov

I couldn't sleep. Shifting and changing sides on the soft mattress.

The desire to go back to my life when mon was there, ardent. If only I could.

I missed her caressing my forehead and saying everything will be fine.

I missed her touch.

Her fragrance.

Her embrace.

The look in her eyes, the softness of her touch, the smile on her lips.

I felt empty without her.

And another tear leaves my eyes. I don't know why I am crying so much today. But I can't seem to stop it.

It's that feeling when you feel you are surrounded , yet alone in a crowd.

When you have everything, but nothing.

My thoughts are interrupted by the creaking sound of the door opening. And I slowly pull up the comforter.

Cleaning my tears under it.

I hear soft footsteps stopping beside me, to only end with a sigh. It's him. Aaron.

What's he doing in my room?

And then I remember. This is his room! Oh no! I almost forgot!

I was staying here, while he slept in the guest room yesterday.

Sh**! He told me to not touch his things!

And here I was, sleeping on his bed. Under his comforter with his scent lingering around everywhere.

I need to leave. I am sure he is mad at me.

But wait. What if I continue to pretend to sleep.

He won't wake me up then, will he?

Yes. This is a nice idea. No man is inhuman enough to distrupt another person's sleep.

Closing my eyes, I pull up the quilt more. Hiding myself in it and breathing evenly.

The bed creaks as he settles on his side. But after that.
I don't hear anything for next few minutes and I so badly wanted to turn around and see what he was doing.

But I refrained.

Time passes in silence. No movements, nothing.

Oh god! It was getting so suffocating under this quilt.Lifting up the quilt, I peek through the small place.

To see him.

Laying beside me.His arm placed on his eyes as he sleep upright.

Thank god he is asleep. Letting out the held breath. I move aside the quilt. Finally breathing!

Phew! Who knew pretending could be that difficult.

I moved a bit, to hear the creaking sound from the bed. To go still right there.

Damn this bed! Why is it making noise?

I don't dare to move. Not knowing what to do. Finding nothing else to do, except stare at his face.

His lips were pressed in a thin line. His chest moving up and down in even breaths and his eyes closed, covered by his arm.

Subtle beard was growing, and I would never say this to him. But I like it.

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