Epilogue ( Final)

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Last chapter: A big thanks to all the lovely readers for staying with me on this journey.

Love you all.



When we think we lost the most precious thing to us ever, the thing we were protecting from eyes of everyone with our everything.

Is when it either makes us or breaks us.

And in our case. It build us. Together.

I always feared loosing him. And thought I couldn't live without him. But it proved wrong, I survived , I became stronger.

I learner to live for myself.

While he always feared hurting others. Hurting me. And when he unintentionally did exactly that, his fears crumbled and it brought him out of the walls he kept himself restrained.

I survived the wound. Thankfully it was nothing serious when I woke up in the hospital next day. But in complete contrast.

Aaron's biggest fear turned out to be true. And along with it came, the desire to see me well.

The doctors were amazed. Even I was.

One could see that he wanted to wake up. He was not giving up. He was a fighter.

Seeing him responding to the medicines for the first time in all these years, the doctor's opened another door.

They were ready to operate on him.

The chances were 50:50 but we all had decided. We were going to take it.

And after that? Miracle happened as I said.

Before Declan could read further ,a voice echoes from the hallway , that made him look up in surprise.

" Mommaaaa!!"

The 9 year old Zaria's voice. Broke him out of his trance and his heart thuds as he looks at a figure approaching.

The clicking of heels. To be followed by a man's long strides.

" My baby! I missed you sweetheart!"

That voice. Declan could recognise it from anywhere. And that's when he sees her.

Dressed professionally in a beautiful blouse with a pencil skirt .She looked just like he left her. Elegant and perfect.

Yet, the most beautiful ornament she wore was that million dollar smile.

Which seemed to illuminate the entire room.

Zaria literally jumps into her arms and she crouches down to pick her up. Pulling her to her chest, she places loving playful kisses all over her face making Zaria to giggle.

" Momma it tickles! Hahaha!"

A smile automatically makes way on everyone else's lips. When Declan's eyes stop at a little guy standing behind Ezra. His fists clenching Ezra's business trousers as he looks at Declan

Those innocent brown eyes a replica of Ezra.

" Ace! Come meet your sister"

The boy looks up at Zaria. And her eyes widen in excitement.

" Brother! I missed you."

Urging to be placed down. Ezra lowers her to only see Zaria pull Ace for a hug. A smile making way on his lips.

" Hi Zari"

He speaks for the first time and they remain in each other's embrace.

Ezra's eyes tear looking at them. And Declan couldn't help just stare at the women in front of him.

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