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****Kennedy's POV****

That night for some reason I just wasn't myself, I don't know if I was just missing home or it was all the drama in the challenge but I just wanted to go and sit by myself on the terrace. Sometimes it's just nice in here to take in your surroundings and remember all the opportunities we've got in here rather than all the moments we're missing. 

"Like does he think I'm some kind of stupid mug." My silence was broken by Kaz and Faye walking through the doors, I'd seen her moments earlier in what looked like a heated discussion with Toby. "Sorry babe, we didn't know you was up here."

"No it's fine, what's going on?"

"So he feels like how he handled things before, wasn't disrespectful to me and I was like 'woah'. But then he tried to defend his actions saying it got him to where he is today. Like what? I must be a mug?"

"He has no regrets?"

"None because it got him with Chloe, my thing is you can be thankful but at the same time apologise."

"I don't get that guy," I said. "Like you're happy they're together but at the same time you can acknowledge that being happy should never come at the expense of disrespecting someone else."

"I know now like you he never cared for me, he never once thought about how I was feeling or how this would effect me"

"Come on." Faye tried to calm her down as she was getting herself worked up. 

"I'm so mad man, it's just rude, so rude to me."

"It is but he's not worth them tears darling. Someone is going to walk in here and love you for being you, not love you for keeping them in this villa." I said. 

"I've had to watch them getting it on in front of me and I've never once interrupted them, I've never once made a fuss or told them how much they hurt me because I want them to be happy."

"You've been bottling this up inside." Faye concluded for her. "This whole thing has never been fully settled in your mind and then he's made the comment which has brought it all back up."

Kaz left to go and give herself a pep talk so Faye and I made our way outside together, where we found Liberty on the swing. I could see all the boys were talking to Toby, including Brad which did irk me up a bit. 

"How are you?" Faye asked Liberty as we cuddled up on the swing. 

"I'm personally fine, I just get a bit wound up when it comes to my girls and the way they're treated."

"He handled that whole situation wrong," I said, not realising how close the boys were to us. "He acted like a boy who didn't care one jot for the girl."

"Sounds like he was a pussy." Faye added. 

"Why are they saying that?" I heard Toby say back as I realised my error. "Speak to me face to face."

"What's that?" Faye argued back. 

"Why are you speaking about me like that? Talk to me, come and pull me for a chat."

"It's just a comment, it's over." 

"It took you a week to speak about your actions, I doubt you'd have time to fit me into your schedule" I don't know what impulse me to say it but something just came over me, to see Kaz as upset as she was I knew I couldn't keep quiet. 

"There's no point in shouting across the villa." Brad shouted over to me. "Just stop."

Being my partner I would have expected him to have backed me up at this point rather than shout at me like a dog to shut up. That was just my final straw of the evening so without another glance I quietly made my way back inside to cool off. 

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