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****Kennedy's POV****

"Boys you must now choose one girl to dump from the island and girls you must choose one boy to send home and remember those you choose to dump will leave immediately without returning. You may now discuss your decision."

"What are you thinking then?" I asked as we crowded round the bar area.

"When Jake stepped forward my heart was in my stomach." Liberty admitted.

"He's like another brother to me in here, it would be hard for me to turn my back on him." Faye added.

Arguments were then just being thrown about for each of the boys. "He was fake in here, he didn't handle the situation well." Liberty said.

"I feel like he's had a chance in here as well and that's me being brutally honest."

"He's Liam's best friend."

"He hasn't really got to know any of us." I admitted. "I don't think he's maybe putting as much love into the island as the other two."

"It's not like he hasn't had a chance."

"Shall we do a vote?" I asked.

"I don't think we need to, I think we've all got one person in mind."

The boys rejoined us after coming to their decision. "Boys, will you please now reveal the island you have chose to dump from the island."

"So this is a hard decision especially for me as all three of you have been a part of my journey." Toby said. "But the girl we've chosen to dump from the island is..."

"Abi." That was a hard one for us all to take, she was just the sweetest soul in here and I felt bad that she hadn't maybe had her full potential achieved.

"Girls, please now reveal which boy you have chosen to send home."

"We love all you boys so much and you're all massive parts of the villa and everyone's experience but we have to send one of you home and that boy is..."

"Dale. I'm really sorry."

"Abi and Dale, I'm so sorry. I'm going to leave you guys to say your goodbyes and I'll see the rest of you very soon."

"I'll miss you so much." I couldn't help but to run over and wrap her up in a hug. "You smashed it."

"It's my time to leave, I feel like I'm cramping all you couples."

"You're the best third wheel we could wish for."

I gave Dale a quick hug before they both walked off together and we had to walk in the opposite direction back to the villa, where everyone decided to get changed as nightfall was already coming on us.

"I have a little confession." Millie admitted as we did our make up. "Liam and I became exclusive tonight."

"Well done girl!"

"It's nowhere near boyfriend and girlfriend vibe but that's the way we're going."

"I've got a text." Chloe shouted. "OMG. Chloe, Mary and Kennedy. Aaron would like to date you both, please get ready to head out to the garden #boyfriendgoals #findyourrselfanewboy."

"Fuck, I need a better outfit than this." I immediately looked down to my jeans and crop top. "Someone needs to help me."

"Put this on." Liberty said and chucked a ruched green wrap dress at me from her wardrobe. "Not that you need it but it just sucks everything in."


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