Chapter 4 : The Unknown

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Life is full of obstacles,
She is without mercy
It's up to us to face them
And to come out of it stronger


In a clearing surrounded by wildflowers and sunshine, I'm a carefree version of myself.

I laugh out loud as I try to catch a butterfly that is way too fast for me. Dad catches me and holds me back, wrapping his long arms around me.

"Just relax. Breathe. Control your movements," he says in my ear as he releases his hug.

My breathing slows as I concentrate on the sound of his soft voice, which brings me peace. I don't know how, but the butterfly seems to slow its flight.

"You take control of your energy to see what's happening. "

The butterfly slows down even more. Then Dad holds a flower in front of me.

"If you are calm, they will listen to you. All you have to do is wait patiently... for them to follow the path you've laid out for them and..."

Meanwhile, the butterfly landed on the flower by itself. I slowly followed its instructions and caught it in my hands.

Screaming with joy, I accidentally crushed it. I looked sheepishly at Dad and he burst into a beautiful laugh that made me laugh.

┊☆ ┊
🌙 *┊☆ °┊🌙 *

I slowly open my eyes and feel calm. The light is now low on the horizon, reminding me that I am flying to an unknown destination.

Dosing off again, I sit up in my seat, my head resting on the 6-year-old version of me. My lower abdomen pinches, cutting short my speculations.

"Where are we? Huh, are we almost there?" Feeling pathetic, I try again. "I have to. "But the words don't come out anymore. This time I stop for good.

I look at the window behind him, avoiding his gaze. I don't want to see judgment on his face. I am not used to being around new people.

"Are you always this much fun?" He adds with a grin that I catch as I turn.

My head sinks between my shoulders and I feel like a child. I've never fit in anywhere, except at home and in the library. It's like I don't belong, like I have some unfinished business I can't remember. Whenever my mind slips, I feel tormented, searching for something and missing the moment. Therefore, I always keep my mind busy.

I close my eyes along with my fists and concentrate on my breathing. I am always anxious when I face new situations, and today was unbearable for me. Today, to my surprise, it didn't trigger an asthma attack.

I take a deep breath, gather my courage and look at him. He has handsome features, a good chin, and brown hair.

If he had gone to my high school, he would have been popular with the girls. He could easily be a model. Tall, somewhat fit, with stylish brown hair, a harmonious chin, and pleasingly symmetrical features, he's nice to look at.

His eyebrows twitch as he clears his throat.

"There's a gas station up ahead. In about 5 km," he doesn't even look at me.

I nod my head in agreement and close my eyes, avoiding the passing buildings and trees that feed my anxiety.

It was the longest 5 km of my life.

He stops the car.

Sweating with stress, I threw myself out of the car as soon as it stopped.

I almost didn't make it. Only then did I ask myself how long I'd slept and where we were. I didn't ask for the basics.

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