Chapter 22

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Greta and Brahms sat side by side on the floor. A stack of records in front of them. Greta flips through them.

"classical... Classical... Classical... Liberace. I'm not sure what kind of music it is. We really need you to get some new music, Brahms. How does that sound?" she asks.

Greta pauses, waiting for some kind of reaction.

"How about some REO speedwagon?" Malcolm voice floated through the room.

Greta jumps out of her skin. Malcolm just stands in the room, he smiles.

"Sorry. REO Speedwagon is a bit scary. Maybe we'll start with something a bit milder. Maybe some Wham?"he suggested.

Greta laughs. Malcolm holds up some mail. A few bills and a letter for Brahms. A flash of worry comes to Greta's face.

" Anything for me?"

" Afraid not." Malcolm replies.

" You can put it in the mail vase."Greta tells him.

" Mail vase. Very classy." Malcolm drops the mail in.


Brahms is positioned carefully at the table. A sandwich and a glass of milk sits untouched in front of him.

Malcolm gives the whole set-up a scrutinising look before he puts away a can of beans. Greta packs the fridge with vegetables.

"I can see you and Brahms is getting along."

Greta looks up from the fridge and smiles, one of those mysterious, inside joke kind of smile.


Greta gets back to work. Malcolm watches her for a second, aware that something is strange is going on, but not quite sure what it is.

"I thought I might ask you, if you wanted to go out on the town, again. Dinner, drinks and dancing."

"I don't think I should." Greta replies.

"I'm afraid I can't take no for an answer. If I let you return to America without ever showing you more than this dreary Mansion, I won't be able to forgive myself."

"I really shouldn't leave, Brahms..."

"Is that all it is then? Let's ask him, yeah? I'm sure he won't mind." Malcolm walks over to Brahms.

"Brahms, you, old sod, would you mind terribly if I take the lovely Mrs Evans out for a night on the town?" he asks.

As Brahms. "Why, of course not. I've been hoping she'd get out of the house. I need a little privacy. Think I'll watch telly. Take a nice bubble bath. Have a little Brahms time..."

Greta watches, a little amused. But she plays it off. She loved to go out again, but with Brahms leaving her expensive gifts, she rather take them than go out with Malcolm.

He holds up Brahms hand and gives him a high five.

Time to play, Greta thinks. "Stop." she tells Malcolm.

He freezes. Then let's out an uncomfortable laugh.

"I was just joking..." Malcolm gives Brahms a couple of knocks on the head, as if to emphasize he's just porcelain.

Greta plays the hero, and rushes over, re-adjusts him, putting his hands back where they were.

"Just don't. Don't touch him." she snaps.

"I'm sorry... I..." And for once Malcolm doesn't have words. Malcolm leaves the mansion and gets into his truck. He just sits there a moment. Looking at the creepy house. A kind of 'what the hell just happened" look on his face.

A curtain moves in the upstairs window. Alice is watching him with a smile on her face.

Malcolm doesn't see her. She watches him drive away.

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