Chapter 18

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By the time William and Alice get back to his place, it was dark and the rain came down more heavier with force.

They both were soaking wet and laughing as they slipped on the sloppy grass.

Williams home was small, hidden behind the Heelshire Manor. It looked like a small farm house, painted white with thick black beams.

The door opened with a creak, William lights flickered on, and the cool toned paint made the house seem homely.

'It's beautiful.' Alice whispered looking around the house with wide eyes.

'You think?' William asked.

Alice smiled, nodding to her new friend.

'Thank you. Me and my brother designed it when we were children.'

'You designed this? It's amazing. You and your brother are really talented.' she told him honestly.

'I tell him when he comes around. Do you want a drink?' William asks nervously.

'Tea, please.'

While William was making drinks, Alice looked around the place. On each wall were oil paintings. Painting of family or landscape.

'I love your pictures, William. Do you know these people?' Alice asked.

William came into the living room with two large cups of tea. 'Some. My mother and father didn't have anywhere to put them, so I took them. The smaller painting are mine, I paint when I have nothing to do.'

Alice smiles. 'You are an amazing painter, William. So, you work at the hospital, what do you do?'

William laughs. 'You didn't miss that then... I'm a doctor.'

'Doctor William. But I love to know your surname.'

'You miss Alice will never find out. I let you guess.'

Alice pretends to think. 'A guessing game. Okay then, I'll play.'

They both sit in the living room drinking tea after tea till early morning. They both sit on the large sofa talking about each other. They both were relaxed enjoying each others company. He made spaghetti bolonase, with was her favourite meal since coming to England.

'I can't believe it's the first Spaghetti Bolonase you've had.' William laughed.

'I know, but my family are BBQ lover's. It's only thing there good at.'

William clears his throat looking uncomfortable. 'I hate to ruin the moment, but I have to ask. Before your sister came home what was it that you was about to tell me?'

Alice thought her heart would have stopped beating. She hoped that he would have forgotten.

'I... I... Cant' she whispers in a shivery voice. Tears welled in her eyes. 'Is this... Why you wanted me to stay here?' she asked.

'Truthfully, yes. The first time I saw you, I felt very... Protective of you. I only get this with my brother.'

'i can't...'

William slides over to her and takes her hand in his. He notices she flinches a little.

'Please Alice. I'm scared you are going to get hurt again, or maybe killed. I promise I will not tell anyone.'

William watches the tears fall, slowly watching the drops of tears trickle down the hand print. He takes her cup from her tightly clutched hands and sets it on the small table in front of them. Slowly, but gently he pills her into him and wrapps his arms around her.

Alice sobbe. 'Shhh. I've got you.' William whispered. She moved from his embrace and looked at him. His hand brushed her hair behind her ears.

He stares at the hand prink that was raises and angry looking. The hand print was large with long slim fingers. On her temple was small cuts from long fingernails.

'Who did this?' William asked. He knew, but he just wanted her to say it.

She lowered her eyes to the floor. She didn't say anything.

'Look at me, Alice.' he said sofly. She did, she was terrified. 'You don't have to say the same, I will answer you some question and you will nod or shake your head... Okay?'

Alice nodded

'Did Greta do this?'

She burst into tears. He lifted her up and placed her on his lap. He held her tightly while she was shaking. Her tears dripped onto his neck like a river. Her arms tightened around his neck. He ran his fingers through her hair and felt two large bumps.

, 'How long has this been going on?'

'since we arrived here... I think. Greta lost her temper the night she went on her date. She hit me, I woke up a couple of house later.

William frowned.' Why did she loose her temper? '

' She said I played a prank on her with the dolls. She spilled red wine on her white dress.'

'Did you'

'No. I was in the kitchen baking. I didn't know how it happened. The same way my cloths went missing or how I got locked in the attick.'

'Is it the first time she has hir you?'

'Yes. I... I think so.'

William drown deepened. 'What do you mean you think so?'

Alice liked her dry lips. 'Before we came here, something happened. It led me in the hospital. I can't remember anything before that. I've asked my family, but they say nothing. I know they are hiding something. Only one person knows the truth.'

'who?' asked William.


'Who's Cole?'

'Greta ex.'

'Why not ask him?'

'I can't. Police told me to keep away from him. Greta told her friends and family that he started beating her.'

'Do you want to know the truth?' William asked.

Alice nodded. 'Of course.'

'Do you have his number?'

Alice nodded.

'Call him. I'm at work in a couple of hours so I can have a look at your records. You are going to stay here.'

'No I don't want you to get involved.'

'I already am involved.' William pulls Alice into another hug, he kisses her bruised cheek and hands her his mobile.

With shaky hands, he takes it and punches the numbers in. It rings and a voice comes through.


'Cole....' Alice starts crying.


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