The Morning Of

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"I'll see you both tommrow?" Edward asked as he looked into the rear-view mirror, turning it to look at us.

"Yeah, sure. What time?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna come pick you up around one."

"Okay! See you tommorow, 'Wardo." I said as me and Bella got out of the car and walked into our home.

Charlie was on the couch watching football but he gave Bella and I a look before we retreated upstairs.

"Hey, uh, Y/N," Bella said as we started going to our seperate rooms.

"Yeah, Bella?" I responded as I turned to look at her. She ran a hand through her hair and avoided my eyes for a second.

"Uhm, are you and Edward.. are you, like," She paused. "Are we dating? No." I finished for her and offered a smile as I went into my room and closed the door.

I let a sigh overtake me as the door closed and I returned to my bed. This day had been painfully long that it had felt like days sincs I retreated to the comfort of my own bed again.

And, like that, without eating donner or anything, I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to hear a commotion downstairs. My instict aas that it was an intruder, but based on the laughing coming from downstrairs and the fact thta it was about 8 in the morning, I wasn't really worried.

Against my own will, I rose from my bed and got a drink of water, changing into my outfit for the day and heading downstairs, rubbing my eyes.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase, I looked over to see Billy and Jacob beaming at me, Charlie seated on the couch nearby.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks in a sort of embarrasment as I waved to them, forcing a smile.

"Well, Goodmorning, Y/N!" Billy exclaimed happily, and from that alone I guessed Jacob had told him about the whole encounter.

"Bella's still asleep?" Charlie asked from the couch, not making an effort at all to look at me, eyes glued to whatever sports game would be playing or replaying at 8 AM.

"Yes, or at least I assume, I didn't check."

Charlie nodded briefly, signaling that he heard you.

"Well, loca," Jacob said as he slid his arm across your shoulder, "what are you doing today?"

"Enough with the loca, Jacob, and I have plans."

"Plans with who?" The question was simple, but you couldn't find the exact words to tell him.

"Y/N? Hello? Plans with who?"

"I'm going to a baseball game." I answered quickly.

"Baseball game? I thought I knew of all the games in town, where is this one?" Billy asked, an enthusiastic smile still plastered on his face.

"I'm not exactly sure where it is, a friend is gonna pick me up. My friend's family are the ones holding it."

"I hate to pester you,Y/N, but who's the friend? They must be bold, holding a baseball game in a thunderstorm. Maybe I'd like to become friends with them." Billy's face became less playful and more serious.

"The Cullen family, they're taking me and Bella."

Billy's face darkened. "Oh, then. Just be careful."

For about an hour until Bella woke up, Billy's eyes rarely left me, his brows furrowed in a mixture of frustration and concentration.

Eventually, I heard soft footsteps down the stairs and Bella emerged. Jacob's face lit up as he ran to her, encasing her in a hug.

"Goodmorning, loca!" I opened my mouth to object about the loca calling, but then I saw it. Jacob's smile might as well have reached his ears as he looked down at Bella.

I felt selfish for feeling somewhat jealous. He didn't hug me like that when I came in.

"Oh, uh, hey Jake. I didn't expect you to be here." Bella said awkwardly, squeezing out of his grip and coming to sit next to Charlie.

Things from there went fluidly, Bella and I ate some of Charlie's popcorn but other then that we had nothing to eat by the time it turned one.

There was a knock at the door, and immediately Jacob perked up.

"I'll get it!" He said as he jumped off of the couch and made his way to the door. I winced, knowing who it was.

"Jake, no-" Bella called, but it was too late, we both heard the creak of the door opening.

Everything went quiet, even Charlie didn't say anything.

As the first movement, I got up from the couch to rush to the front door.

There, I saw Edward and Jacob on the different sides of the door, seemingly having a staring contest. Though I couldn't see Jacob's, Edward's expression was one if disgust as he looked upon Jacob, even though Jacob was a few inches taller.

"Uh, hey Edward. Me and Bella are about ready I'll go and get her." I said to Edward, breaking his gaze from Jacob.

I rushed back into the living room to signal that it was time to go. Bella understood immediately and rushed to my side, telling Charlie a quick goodbye.

It took a second to move Jacob out of the way, but once we finally did the three of us loaded into the Volvo and we took off without a word.

a/n im so sorry for not including the baseball part I swear it was supposed to be in this chapter but I got carried away and it would've been way too long. also, sorry for the delay, it was my birthday and a bunch of stuff after that. ANYWAY BRACE YOURSELVEA NEXT CHAPTER IS GONNA BE EVENTFUL

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