The Battle

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"Don't worry. It won't hurt." Is what James says as he shoves a pill in my mouth.

I'm not sure if it's all the screaming or the fact that somehow between the battle someone has reopened the scar on my cheek (from the night when I rescued Bella from the woods) that wakes me.

All I know is that I am somehow in the middle of a battlefield.

not only this, but I am in the middle of a battlefield, on my knees in the dirt, my hands tied back, my hair being gripped by someone unknown. But I can just about guess who it is.

Once I fully return to consciousness, I start to struggle.

"Calm her!" James barks at Jasper from above me.

And I feel my muscles relaxing.

I take a look around to see that the battle has stopped. But also that we are in the same clearing where we played Baseball last year.

I am, once again, in the middle of the battlefield.

I look ahead of me. I am facing my side. And by that, I mean that I can count all of the Cullens, Laurent and Bolte, Heidi, Jane and Alec, and a bunch of giant wolves who must be the pack. I don't see Seth or Bella. But I do see Bree on the other side. Cool.

"Let me turn her, and she is free to return to you. It will guarantee my place in the Volturi." James bargains.

"Don't you dare!" Says Rosalie.

"Can't you smell that?" James bends to wipe a few cold fingers over my bleeding cheek, bringing them to his mouth.

"She's delicious."

"Thanks." I croak out, but I don't think he hears me.

Jasper's eyes are fixated on my cheek. I can tell this is restraining him.

Edward steps forward, and so does James, to the dismay of my hair.

They size eachother up, like dogs, and they share quiet, buzzed words. Behind me, I hear the newborns go havoc now that they are not being told what to do.

The noise is giving me a headache, especially considering right now I have some serious blood loss, and I have just woken up from a drug induced slumber.

"Can everyone just stop talking?" I ask, my voice coming out weak.

A few more seconds of this noise and I might go insane.

"Can everyone please just- just-" I stammer. "Shut up!" My voice echos across the meadow, everyone immideatly going quiet.

I catch my breath, trying again to struggle out of James's grip.

"Stop doing that, brat."

"I'm not a piece of furniture!" I yell back at Jamss, continuing to struggle.

"That's it." He brings me to my feet, my knees almost failing me.

He takes my hair and inclines my head, making my neck easily accessible. I can hear my heart in my ears.

"Since your friends don't feel like negotiating with me, it looks like I'll just have to do the planning myself."

I send a glance toward everyone on the other side only to see that they are frozen. James must have a newborn who can do that.

I see his.. um.. his fangs and he lowers his head towards my neck. I close my eyes, bracing for impact like I have so many times before.

And like before, it never comes.

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