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Chicago's summers were hot.

Hotter than your typical summer. They were more than a bead of sweat trickling down the side of your face, more than a fan going full speed no longer blowing cool air on your skin.

Chicago's summers drenched the block.

Of course not in cool, refreshing rain— but blood.

Milan was no stranger to the scorching block or the red drips that lead to yellow tape lines in her neighborhood. Chicago was an amazing, world class city, but every place has its dark side.

Milan just so happened to live where it was darkest.

It was all she and her brother could afford, even though he was barely home half of the time. Living on her own at twenty was not where she expected to be when she thought back over her life, four years ago she was planning to go to Clark Atlanta University and study psychology. She used to have big hopes to become a school social worker, she wanted to make a difference.

But as she straightened her forty inch frontal until it was silky black perfection, she pushed those old dreams aside.

Now all she wanted to do was make ends meet and eventually move onto bigger and better things.

Sharp knocks at her front door startled Milan, making her burn herself on her flat iron.

"Fuck! Here I come!" She yelled from the bathroom, dropping the hot tool in the sink, and popping her burnt finger into her mouth as she walked to the door.

Whoever was at the door did not stop knocking regardless of Milan announcing herself which pissed her off even more. She didn't unlock the chain lock of her door when she opened it, glaring at the person through the small crack that the door did open up to.

It was her brother's ex girlfriend, Sierra and his barely walking age daughter, Erika. Sierra stood at the door quickly bouncing Erika on her hip as the child whined, a soggy Cheeto puff in her small hand.

"Devon's not in, Si." Milan tiredly told the woman, already drained by her presence and they hadn't even exchanged greetings yet.

The high yellow freckled woman got a tinge redder, the bouncing baby on her hip now still. "What?! I told him I was dropping E off today! Where the hell is he?!" She exclaimed, her tone dripping with attitude.

Milan resisted the urge to roll her eyes and not slam the door on the woman.

If she wasn't holding her niece she probably would've.

"I don't know where he's at, Sierra. Call him and ask him." She deadpanned, not giving in to the restless energy Sierra was giving off in waves. Her mood was blackening in the doorway, she looked to the end of the hall and then back to Milan.

"Well, can you watch her? I got shit to do tonight. I'll be back for her."

No you won't.

Milan wanted quickly retort, but she just tiredly shook her head instead.

Signing up to babysit Erika meant she was going to be with her for at least two days. Sierra drops that baby off and acts like she's left the country.

"No ma'am, I got work tonight." Milan told her, her tone still as dry as ever and Sierra looked like she didn't appreciate it.

"C'mon now, Milan. Erika been asking for you!" The woman tried to emphasize. Hoisting the toddler up a little higher on her side.  The girl was so cute. She'd stolen her father's reddish brown hair, but her mother's freckles and chamomile tea colored skin. 

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