vingt quatre.

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"Bitch, served for what?! You must've got the wrong name."

Daya immediately protested, slapping Nicoletta's hand away.

Nicoletta flinched back just quick enough for Daya's swat to miss her. Her eyes were wide before she read the women's demeanor and blushed. She grimaced before clearing her throat and running a hand through her hair.

Milan and Daya just stood there glaring at the lady with stares that had the power to send her straight to hell.

"I... maybe that wasn't such a good opening line." She offered, a shy smile trying to make its way onto her face as she winced.

Daya and Milan were still unamused.

"Okay, trying again. Hi, I'm Nicki Yolkovich. Ramses Young's lawyer. He told me to come here and find a Milan Cozart and that she would help me with his case on the outside."

Hearing that was worse than hearing that she was being sued.

"She's not here tonight." Milan blurted out before she could even properly think about what she was saying. She saw Daya look at her crazy out of her peripheral vision.

Nicki gave a childish pout, pulling out her phone and scrolling through some things for a second. "Ah, but it says here Milan supposedly work nights from nine to—"

"Hoe, we said Milan ain't working tonight." Daya butt in, adding more punch to Milan's previous statement. Nicki squinted her eyes at Daya, putting her cellphone back in the pocket of pants suit.

Daya kept the woman's stare, Milan did her best to hold her composure without fainting as well.

"Well, will you all just give Milan my card whenever she comes in to work again? I'd really appreciate it." Nicki did her best to wager with the women, producing a business card from her pocket and holding it out to them.

Snatching the card from her hand, Daya held it up to the light, scrutinizing it like it was a counterfeit bill.

"We'll think about about it, egg yolk." She answered, waving Nicki off with a bored demeanor after all of her theatrics. The name seemed to ruffle Nicki's feathers.

"It's Yolkovich." Nicki tried her best to sternly correct Daya. Her confidence visibly wavered when the two met eyes.

Daya gave the woman another once over before smacking her lips, "Get out my face, bitch."

Though Nicki's irritated look did not leave her face, the woman knew that she was outnumbered and Daya's bark was probably gonna match her bite. She looked between Milan and Daya once again, her eyes lingering on Milan a bit longer. She then nodded at them and strutted out the establishment the same way she came in.

"Now that dumb bitch know she can't play like that around here." Daya mumbled under her breath, still judging the business card she had in her hand.  

Milan took it and looked at it herself. 

Yolkovich & Associates, Chicago's First Choice for Law

She couldn't help, but scoff at the card.

At the situation in itself. 

Of course, Ramses found a way to still mess with her all the way from his jail cell.

"So what are you gonna do, girl? You gon' help him out or what?" Daya broke Milan's inner monologue.

Milan's thumb ran across the picture of Nicki's face on the card. The smooth lamination helping her think. "I don't know yet, but what I do know is, table 5 is ready for their check."

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