Bas Haq Hai Ek Mera : Part One

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part. Sorry, I was busy with Eid holidays so couldn't reply to the comments.

Gauri was sitting with Harshvardhan in the living room of Oberoi's Mansion waiting for Tej Singh Oberoi to make an appearance.

"Just 5 mins, Gauri." Harshvardhan whispers to her and Gauri nods in reply distractedly her mind elsewhere.

"Good Morning, Mr. Sharma." Tej says as he walked into the living room with a smile.

"Good Morning, Mr. Oberoi. I just wanted to discuss something with you urgently and that is why I dropped in the morning. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No worries... what is the matter?" Tej asks as he took a seat opposite to them.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you; this is my daughter, Gauri. I was on my way to drop her off to her college." Harshvardhan says as he got up to leave after the meeting.

Tej smiles at her and asks her, "Which college?"

"Elite." Gauri replies.

"Om studies there." Tej says excitedly. "He is doing final year MBA."

"That is wonderful. It is Gauri's first day there and she was really nervous about all the ragging and all. Now she will have someone for help." Harshvardhan says smiling.

"Yes... yes." Tej says a little uncomfortably.

"Maybe we could introduce them."

"Oh... he just got in to take a shower." Tej replies.

"Oh!" Harshvardhan says disappointed and then noticing a photo on the wall, he asks, "Is that Mr. Oberoi?"


"Ah... now Gauri you know who to go to if you have any trouble." Harshvardhan tells her pointing at the photo.

Gauri turns to look at the photo curiously and sees a handsome man staring back at her. He looked so serious and he was actually glaring at the camera for daring to capture his photo but the man was one hell of an eye candy.

Gauri was hiding behind one of her classmates as they stood in a circle around the seniors as they picked one by one of their classmates and made them do stupid things.

"You! Come here." the senior boy orders Gauri as he pointed at her.

Gauri nervously steps forward as she looked around for an escape route.

"What is your name?"

"Gauri..." Gauri stutters in fear.

"Why do you look so scared?"


"You should be scared. We will eat you alive and no one is going to save you." he scares her and Gauri visibly shivers in fear.

"I am bored. I need some entertainment." One of the senior girls says.

"What kind of entertainment, Rids?" he asks her smiling. "Will dance do?"


He turns to Gauri and watches her for a few minutes then asks her, "Didn't you hear Ridhima? Dance."

"I don't know to dance." Gauri quickly tells him as panic set in.

"When we ask you to do something you don't say anything in return, you do it." He tells her angrily.

"I really don't know." Gauri tells him in almost tears.

"Now don't start crying." He says a little uncomfortable. "Just do as I tell you."

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