Dancing At Midnight : Prologue D

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Thank you all for voting and commenting on the previous part. Sorry for the delay in updates. Had been super busy lately. Since I haven't updated in a while, I will put up 3 more updates. Please do read, vote and comment for all. :)

13 years later.

Gauri walks down the stairs, and sees the wannabe poker players, playing their wannabe poker. She really didn't believe what they were playing was the real poker. Bhaiyya made up some weird rules saying it to be poker and taught Baba how to play it. Now, whenever they get a chance, they are playing their wannabe-poker game and fighting like kids. She starts smiling when they start fighting again. Baba just caught bhaiyya cheating. Oh God, she was going to miss them, when she leaves tomorrow. A part of her was sad that she was going to leave them. But another part was really happy; finally she was going to meet Omkara again, after 7 long years. As the time grew nearer, she missed him even more, all she could think about was, their meeting. She was joining his college in Delhi. Even though it's his final year, and he will leave college after this academic year, she had decided to join his college only; she couldn't stay away from him any longer.

Gauri walked up to them, and they were now throwing the cards at each other angrily.

Gauri: "Will you two stop it now?"

Tej: "He cheated"

Shivaay: "I didn't. He was going to lose, so he is just saying that I cheated."

Gauri: "Uff! Enough! I don't know, what will happen when I leave tomorrow."

Tej: "Then don't go."

Shivaay: "That will never happen. She can live without us, but not without her Omkara."

Gauri blushes and Shivaay shakes his head while Tej looks down in guilt.

Tej: "Gauri beta, why are you doing this? Omkara is not the right man for you."

Gauri kneels down: "Omkara is the only one for me."

Tej: "But..."

Gauri cuts him off: "I don't want to hear anything... Now I have some more packing to do, so I am going to finish that, and you two boys don't fight."

They both watch Gauri walking off.

Shivaay in a thoughtful tone: "Baba, I was thinking, now that Omkara is going to finish his studies, we could get Gauri and Omkara married, or at least engaged."

Tej shocked: "Even you started, Shivaay?"

Shivaay confused: "What is wrong in it, Baba?"

Tej: "They don't even know each other."

Shivaay: "They will get to know each other. And I am sure once Omkara gets to know Gauri, he will also love her. She might be a plain Jane, but she has a good heart, and I am sure that's all that would matter to Omkara."

Tej: "And what about Omkara?"

Shivaay: "Omkara is your son. And your son will never be bad."

Tej trying to find a way out: "Omkara doesn't have a job."

Shivaay: "Half the property is Gauri's and after marriage, it will be Omkara's too. So he takes over the business after or before their marriage is not going to make any big difference."

Tej: "But..."

Shivaay: "Pls baba, at least talk to him, it is for Gauri's happiness."

Tej nods his head and Shivaay smiles in gratitude.

Gauri was lying on her bed, and looking at Omkara's photo. She had flicked it. Last year, when Baba had gone to meet him, he had got this photo. The day he had come back, she had stolen it, and Baba had been really angry with her and asked for the photo, but she had played the innocent, and even managed to convince Baba that he had left the photo behind in Delhi itself.

She was sick and tired of people telling her that, she should grow up, and live in the present. They keep telling her that, Omkara had promised to marry her only because he didn't want to hurt her. They were all wrong; she knew that Omkara and she would always be together, they were made for each other. And when the time had come for her to join college, her belief had strengthened. Omkara was supposed to finish his studies two years back, but then his uncle with whom he has been staying for the last 7 years, had met with an accident, and to look after him Omkara had to drop his studies, and take up a job for his treatment, and after his uncle recovered and Omkara paid off all the debts, he decided to continue his studies, and because of that now they will be in the same college together. And now that she was going to join his college, they would meet again, and they would be together forever.

Meanwhile, Tej was in deep thoughts. He really wished Harshvardhan and Nayantara were here now. They would have made Gauri and Shivaay understand that, what Gauri wants will never happen.

13 years ago, few days after Shivaay's birthday Harshvardhan and Nayantara had to go aboard for a few days. And Harshvardhan had given him the power of attorney. When he had tried to protest, Harshvardhan had smiled and said "I am leaving my two biggest treasures with you without any concern or worry. And this is just my properties." Soon, Harshvardhan and Nayantara had left, and they never came back. Their plane had crashed and they both didn't survive. Ever since, Harshvardhan and Nayantara had passed away, he had raised Shivaay and Gauri. He didn't even know when he had changed from Tej Uncleto Baba for Gauri and Shivaay. They both loved him and treated him like their parent, and he also loved them like his Om. And he would have been the happiest person alive, if his Om married his Gauri, but that was never going to happen, because as much as Gauri loves Om, Om hates the Sharmas.

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- Lazy

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