Crazy Series 3 : A Crazy College

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Hello everyone...

Thank you all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

I was so stupid, that I forgot to mention that the Crazy Series is one whole story. It was supposed to be a one shot, but then everyone was curious about their back story, hence I wrote the rest. A Crazy Wedding and A Crazy College is the prequel to A Crazy Little Thing Called Love. And A Crazy Realization will be the sequel to the series, and that will be the final part.

Omkara and Gauri walks into the honeymoon suite for their suhag raat. For a moment they were left speechless seeing the beautiful decoration. Omkara inhales loudly breaking them out of their thoughts. They turn to look at each other and Gauri with a shy smile says, "I'll freshen up?"

"Yeah... sure."

Gauri goes to shower while Omkara nervously sat around wondering what to do. Finally, Gauri comes out and Omkara goes off for his shower while this time Gauri nervously sat around.

Hearing the washroom door open, Gauri nervously comes back inside from the balcony and walks to the middle of the room. Seeing her waiting for him in the middle of the room, Omkara walks towards her. they remained silent wondering what to say or do then finally not able to take it in, Omkara nervously chuckles and says, "What a crazy day... huh?"

"Crazy wedding." Gauri replies chuckling.

Seeing the smile on her face, Omkara gently caress her cheek and Gauri stops smiling as she stared at him nervously. Omkara leans down and gently kisses her on her cheek. Gauri closes her eyes as she held her breath while she holds his wrist nervously.

Seeing her so nervous Omkara softly kisses her on her forehead and whispers, "Relax... we'll take it slow. There is no hurry."

Gauri's eyes open in shock as she watched him step back. Did he think that she was not ready to be intimate? She wasn't till she had run away with him. Now, she has accepted him as her husband and liked him too but how to tell him that?

"Sleep, Gauri." Omkara says smiling.

As she was too nervous and shy to tell him what is in her heart she nods and gets on the bed and Omkara joins her. They turn to face each other.

"It's Gauri, Omkara." Gauri informs him.

"It's Omkara, Gauri." Omkara informs her smiling.

"Omkara." Gauri says smiling at him.

"Gauri." Omkara says smiling happily.

Seeing the way he was smiling, she just couldn't control herself and Gauri gently touches his cheek and Omkara starts chuckling.

"What?" Gauri asks as she took her hand away feeling disappointed.

"I don't know... I guess I am nervous." Omkara tells her as he calmed down. "First time I'm with a girl in bed. That too in this set up."

"Even I am nervous." Gauri replies.

"I know."

"Same reason as you... not because... it's not..." Gauri says as she turned pink wanting him to know that she didn't dislike him touching her.

Omkara watches her as his heart slammed against his chest wondering if she was saying what he thought she was.

"You understand what I am trying to say?" Gauri asks him nervously.

Seeing the nervous blush on her face Omkara wondered what to say.


Omkara in reply moves towards her and keeps his lips on hers.

Rikara Short Stories CollectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora