New project new problems

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Chapter 2

New Project New Problems

I woke up the next morning drenched in a freezing cold sweat, my lungs burned as if I had just ran a marathon and my body ached. I shivered in the cold and waited for my mind to pull itself of the haze of sleep and function properly.

"Just another nightmare." I whisper to myself as images of blood covered walls flashed across my vision. I shook my head and slowly stood from my bed. I walked unsteadily across my carpet floor over to my small closet to choose my clothes for today. It's Monday. "Oh joy!" I think sarcastically as I grab my clothes off the old plastic hangers and go to the bathroom to get ready. I pull on a pair of faded jeans and a nice dark blue T-shirt then sit down to pull on some socks and my old worn in black combat boots. I walked over to the mirror and brushed through my tangled rat's nest I call hair. I weave the long strands into a braid and walk out of the bathroom. I grabbed my book bag off the floor and my camera off the book shelf before heading out the door. I silently crept down the stairs, afraid of waking my mother up. As I passed her room I noticed her bed still cleanly made up and her pills laying by her bed, untouched. She had never come home last night, her work must have kept her later than normal. I sighed sadly and walked through the living room to our front door, grabbing my house keys off the small table by the door and walking out of the house, locking the door behind me. I hadn't bothered getting anything for breakfast, I never ate in the morning.

I turned away from my door and began the boring walk to school. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind walking instead of driving, it was just boring to walk everywhere, and most of time you would get splashed with water from the cars or cat calls as people drove by, I didn't enjoy when that happened. Honestly, it pissed me off and all I really wanted to do was politely flip them off, but I didn't. I also didn't want to bother my mom with asking for a car when I knew we couldn't afford one.I didn't want to put any more stress on her, she was tired and worried as it was. I really didn't want to add anything else to that. So I just continued to walk wherever, and ignored the idiots that thought that they were cute, but in reality were complete ass holes.

As I got closer to school I felt dread settle in my stomach. I really didn't like this school, but I didn't want to move either, so I stayed. Plus, it was my last year here at the hell hole. I'm a senior, so there's no point in moving. I walked into the school's cracked parking lot and ducked my head, trying to make myself seem invisible. I hug my books tightly to my chest and quickly walk towards the school's glass doors. As I get closer I notice the school's bad boy group leaning against the wall by the doors, in the center of the group stood their leader, Luka. He stood tall and proud in the midst of the chaos going on around him. He was intimidating, and most people liked to stay out of his way, but that didn't stop people from spreading rumors about him and his friends.

Some of the rumors the flew around said they were really a gang and he was the boss, others say he went to jail for drugs, and a few other things. You would think that this would keep people away from him, but no, it only increased his appeal, especially to the female population of the school. All the girls wanted him and the popularity that came with dating, or even being seen with him, they all wanted his attention, and he never turned them away. I on the other hand didn't want his attention, in fact all I wanted was to just stay out of his way and hope I never had to interact with him or his friends. I know it seems harsh, but I don't need any more complications in my life.

I walked up to the glass doors, making sure my head was down and my books were tightly clutched in my arms, so they didn't fly out of my hands if one of Lukas friends decided to try and slap them out of my arms. As I walked by I saw Luka look over at me in curiosity, his midnight black hair fell into his dark green eyes as he stared at me. He took his cigarette out of his mouth and smirked. I kept walking, there was no way he was looking at me, I'm just the little invisible senior no one talks to, no one even knew who I was, and I like it that way. It makes the fights and the problems at home easier to hide when no one was there to ask questions.

I entered my first period class and walked towards my seat, I sat towards the middle of the dull classroom in one of the many scratched up wooden desks. I hate Math, especially this early in the morning. I looked towards the front of the room and saw seven algebraic equations written on the pale green chalkboard. I bent down, pulling out a piece of paper and a red mechanical pencil from my worn backpack. I began working on the problems. As I was working I heard the desk behind me scrape against the tile floor as someone sat down. I didn't think anything of it until I felt a rough cold hand touch my lower back, I jumped and turned in my seat to see one of Luka's friends. He smiled at me, making his bright blue eyes seem brighter as the fluorescent lights shined into them. He pushed his blond hair out of his face and extended his hand to me.

"I'm Ash, and you are?" He asked. I looked down at his hand in disgust, then looked back up to him.

"Anastasia." I answered before turning back towards the front of the room, ignoring his outstretched hand. I heard his deep chuckle behind me.

"That wasn't very nice Anastasia." He teased, his voice light. I would have turned around to say something but the teacher walked in and I settled for ignoring him and listening to what the teacher, Miss Lucky, had to say. I really needed to pass this class with a high grade if I wanted to get into the collage of my choice, and with how badly I sucked at math I couldn't afford to mess around.

The day went by fairly fast, I didn't eat lunch, I had to stay behind in my English class and get some help on a paper that was due tomorrow. As the bell for eighth period rang I smiled, my last class was always my favorite, photography class with Miss Bell.

I walked into the brightly lit classroom and sat in my normal seat by the huge window on the far side of the room. I pulled out my light blue photobook, set it on my desk and waited patiently for Miss Bell to walk in. As the tardy bell rang, Miss Bell walked into the classroom and called the students to order with a swift whistle.

"Alright class, this, as all of you know, is the last six weeks of school. So we'll be doing a big project." The class burst with cheers, but Miss Bell wasn't done. She raised her hand to quiet the class.

"Yes this is very exciting, but if you fail this project you will not pass this class." She said, making my heart stutter. If I didn't pass this class I wouldn't be able to apply for a photography collage, they wouldn't accept me without a letter of recommendation. I tensed and leaned forward slightly, listening closely as Miss Bell explained the project.

"You'll be assigned randomly to one person in this school, you'll learn about them and photograph their life as you see fit. If you do not finish this project or the pictures do not show the true life of the person you are assigned to, then you fail this class." She said with a small polite smile.

"Now your assigned person is posted on the wall over there." Miss Bell said pointing to the far wall. I stood from my seat with the rest of the class and rushed to the back wall to check the paper. I cringed when I found my name, the room spun and I had to close my eyes for a second to regain my composure, there was no way I had him, there must've been a mistake, I couldn't have him. I walked up to Miss Bell's desk and cleared my throat nervously, she looked up at me and smiled, but before I could say anything, she began to speak, my heart sank lower and lower with each word that left her mouth.

"There was no mistake my dear, I assigned him to you on purpose. I know you can get this project done, even though I know it will be hard and he most likely will not cooperate. In the end, I know you will turn in an amazing documentary on the life he lives, and when you turn in your finished project, I will also give you a letter of recommendation for college." She explained, staring at me with pride in her eyes. I sighed and nodded, knowing there was no way she was going to change her mind. She was a sweet lady, but when she made up her mind, she never changed it. The bell rang and school was over, everyone rushed out of the class and clogged the hallways trying to get out of prison as fast as they could. I shook my head, slowly gathering my things and walking towards the doors of the school. Dread was building inside of me with every step I took. I hated what I was about to do, but there was no way I could change it, not now, not ever, I knew that much as I made the long walk through the almost empty hallways of my high school.

Little did I know that what I was about to do would change my life, and the life of others, with one simple project. The question was, would I change it for the better, or would I end up making things worse?

The Bad Boys little Fighter (completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora