Stubborn Pain

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Chapter 9

Stubborn Pain

            I awoke the next morning to a throbbing pain all over my body. I sighed. I really didn't want to get up today, thank goodness I had finished my homework before the fight last night. I was laying on my stomach, my head buried in my pillow. I lifted my head slowly and looked around my room and sighed when I saw Day asleep at my desk. He must have stayed there all night, and I know for a fact that sleeping at my desk is one of the most uncomfortable things on this earth.

 I slowly stood and hissed as pain shot through my whole body. I tried to be as quiet as possible as I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I pulled off my clothes from last night and stepped into the hot shower. I sighed as the hot water hit my tense muscles, relaxing them and easing some of the pain in my body. I washed up before stepping out and slowly getting dressed. I walked over to the mirror and gasped. I had a black bruise on my jaw from last night, and it didn't look pretty. I leaned forward and inspected the bruise. I moved my jaw around and felt a slight pain, it didn't seem like my jaw was broken, which was good. I pulled up my shirt and sighed. Once again I had broken ribs and an ugly bruise.

 "Three ribs are broken, a bruised jaw, a sprained wrist, and a really badly bruised back" Day said from behind me. I jumped and turned to see him standing at the bathroom door looking at me sadly. I sighed.

 "I don't want to hear it. I know I over did it last night, but it's over now. You can't change it" I said. Day nodded.

 "I know, and I also know I can't stop you from going to school" he whispered sadly. I nodded and walked up to him and gave him a hug.

 "I'm sorry" I whispered. He nodded.

 "I know, I know. Your sorry, but you have to" he said. I smiled.

 "You know me so well" he rolled his eyes.

 "Sadly yes" he said. I laughed and hit his shoulder playfully.

 "Come on, we have school" I said. He nodded.

 "Oh and your mom is still asleep.  She's not going to work today" Day said. I smiled.

 "Good, she needs sleep. She works too much" I said. Day nodded. I started walking down the stairs when I became really dizzy and stumbled. I almost fell down the stairs but Day caught me before I tipped over.

 "Are you ok" he asked worriedly. I nodded.

 "I'm fine" I said. Day sighed.

 "No you're not. Come on, I'll go to school but you are staying in bed and resting till I get home" he said. I wanted to argue but I was so dizzy I couldn't even stand. Day led me back to bed and laid me down.

 "Now you stay here and I'll bring your work back from school when I get home, ok" he asked. I nodded unable to speak because sleep was already pulling me down. Day nodded.

The Bad Boys little Fighter (completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin