Will you trust me?

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Chapter 11

Will you trust me?

He stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I sighed and kept my eyes down.

 "This is going to sound like any other sob story you've heard so I don't really think you want to know, but I'll tell you if you want" I said. Luka nodded.

 "I want to know" he said. I nodded.

 "Ok" I said. I closed my eyes and took a small breath, trying to calm myself before I went down my dark memory lane into my past.

 "My mom and dad were really happy together, but then my mom found out she was pregnant. My dad didn't want a child, he told my mother to it was either him or the child. She didn't want to lose her child, so she lost my dad. After I was born my dad came back. My mom thought they could be together again, but he had other ideas. He beat my mother, and when I got older he did the same to me. We were his slaves for years. I couldn't take it and I started to cut. I hid it well, till I met Day. He saw right through my mask. I pushed him away but he wouldn't leave, in fact, he showed me his scars and told me that what pushed him to do it was because he was bullied for being gay. I told him about my dad and he put a stop to it, got me and my mom away from him, but my father took everything from us. My mom works two jobs, I do too, but we barely get by and my mom is working herself to death. She won't let anyone in and she still flinches at every movement, just like me. I hate to see her like that and that's why I still cut sometimes. It's not as bad or as deep. I just want my mom to be happy and stress free but with the way she's working herself she'll work herself to death and I don't want to see that" I said as I rubbed my wrist. Luka took my arm and pulled my sleeve down. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. He looked down at my scared covered wrist and then at me. I looked down not wanting to see the disgust in his eyes. I jumped when I felt something softly press against my wrist. I looked over to see Luka kissing my scars. I gasped, he looked up at me and slowly moved to pull me to him. I flinched back but he didn't stop, he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him relaxing slightly. He ran his hand up and down my arm, calming me.

 "Where else are your scars" he asked quietly. I tensed. He stopped moving his hand and froze, waiting to see what I would do. I pulled back and looked at him. He seemed afraid that he had gone too far, asked to many questions. I could see his concern and fear in his dark green eyes. If I hadn't already scared him away maybe I could trust him a little more, with time.

"Are you ok? You don't have to answer" he said. I shook my head.

 "Its ok, and my scars are on my thighs, arms, and hips" I said as I looked down. He lifted my head to look at him.

 "Hey, it's ok. I'm not gonna say anything to anyone about this ok? This stays between you and me" he whispered. I nodded. He smiled.

 "Ok, now do you want to go downstairs? My gang is pretty worried about you to" he said. I smiled and nodded. He stood with me in his arms and I giggled. He chuckled and gently sat me down.

 "Are you ready" he asked. I nodded. Luka reached over and took my hand gently in his. He looked up at me with a question in his eyes. I nodded, telling him it was ok. He nodded and we walked down the stairs to see his gang. I smiled, this was the first time in a long time that I was truly happy. I wanted to focus just on my happiness and enjoy it, but at the back of my mind I still wondered just how long this would last before I was once again thrown into the darkness 

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