Chapter 1

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You are in a small pharmacy hoping to find some form of antibiotic as well as maybe some prenatal vitamins seeing as you are pregnant. While on the run you stepped on a nail that went right through the sole of your shoe and into the bottom of your foot. You had to cut off that shoe in order to get it to the nail and pull it out. You are at the check out area where you would have crawled through if it wasn't for the metal gate blocking your way. You look around the small store in an effort to find something to get it open with. You look to your right next to the counter to see a metal box with a fire extinguisher inside. You walk over standing sideways to it and lift your elbow. You inhale deeply before exhaling as your elbow comes in contact with the glass shattering it. You hiss as some of the glass gets imbedded in your elbow. You yank the fire extinguisher out the weight of it causing you to bend down uncomfortably. You heave it up on your dominant shoulder walking over to the lock again. You slam it down on the lock again and again until it breaks. You let out a cry of victory. You go to open it when you hear people so you dive behind the shelves. 

"I heard banging from in here!" You hear a feminine voice say as the ring from the top of the door sounds as they walk in. "It look's like someone got in here..." A males voice says as their footsteps approach the counter. You quietly take out your Swiss Army Knife clutching  it with the blade facing down. As they begin to lift the gate you jump out "It's Mine!" you cry . You almost hit your target it being the girl when the man pushes you to the ground the both of them aiming their gun at you. You fall on your back and cry out. With the mixture of the weight you are carrying in the front as well as the cans that dig  into you from your backpack, you feel sharp pains all over your body. Tears collect and fall from your eyes as you look up at them.

"Jesus Jesse! She's pregnant!" The woman that now you can see has an olive skin tone and black hair that is pulled in a bun. She puts her gun away and kneels beside you. "How was I suppose to know! She could have killed you!" The man known as Jesse says before joining her on the opposite side. "She is surviving for two it is to be expected..." The girl grumbles. "Ma'am? Ma'am can you hear me?" She asks and you nod and answer with a whine before saying. "P-Please all I need are some antibiotics and vitamins and I'll go!"  The girl moves her arm toward you and you flinch. "Hey we aren't going to hurt you okay?" She turns to Jesse and says. "Help me sit her up."  They each put an arm under your armpit and lift you into a sitting position. "What do you need the antibiotics for?" Jesse questions and the girl snaps at him. "Jesse! Now isn't the time!" But you decide to answer anyway by pointing to your foot and saying. "I stepped on a nail." Jesse looks at you before kneeling down near your feet to see bandages. "Can I take them off?" He asks and you nod. When he does he makes a face of disgust. Your foot injury is definitely infected with puss and blood slowly leaking out of it.

"We need to get her back home." The girl says. "Dina I don't know what if-" "What if nothing! She is pregnant and hurt what could she possibly do?" She says and Jesse grumbles before leaning down and picking you up bridal style. "I'm sorry! Just leave me be and I will leave I promise!" You say fearing the worst as they take out out of the pharmacy. "Put her on my horse." The girl Dina says. Jesse shakes his head. "No not after what she tried to do, speaking of which..." He set you down and you stumble on to one of the horses grabbing it's saddle . He rips open your backpack. " See I knew she had something else!" He says taking out your gun before handing it to Dina. "Hold on to it. You up and at 'em." He says helping you up on his horse before sitting in front of you. As the horse begins to trot out of the small town and into the surrounding forest you find yourself holding on to him  until you finally make it  to a big gate.

"Dina you go get Maria and Tommy. I'm taking her to the infirmary." He says before trotting  in that direction. When he gets there he helps you down and takes you inside. "Hey Kathrine I need some help over here." He says setting you on a bed. The woman comes over "My goodness she looks awful." She says You find yourself in an almost curled position mainly protecting your stomach. "Ma'am?" She asks kneeling in front of you. "Where are you hurt?" You barely make eye contact keeping your head down. "He foot is infected but I think we should check her for bites before we waste our supplies." Jesse grumbles "I'm not bit!" You cry looking at him. "Jesse thank you for bringing her here but I think you should leave." She says and Jesse goes to argue but she closes the curtain that surrounds the bed. "Ma'am I know your scared but he is right. So could you please remove your clothes so I can check?" You look at her like you are a deer in headlights. "We want to help you..." She says calmly and you nod before slowly taking off your clothes.

There are a murmur of voices as you finish putting on  your clothes and you hear a new voice. "Kathrine?" It is a female voice. "Come in." Kathrine says and a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a greenish jacket comes in through the curtain. As she walks in you look behind her and catch a glimpse of another man standing on the other side. This woman looks nice yet has a stern look on her face when she approaches you both. "Have you looked her over?" The woman asks and Kathrine nods. "She has no bites but she is pregnant and has an injury on her foot that is infected and will need to be treated."  the woman nods. "I'd like to talk to her." Kathrine nods and exits the room. The blonde woman grabs a chair and sits in front of you. "What is your name?" She asks and you look down at your hands in your lap. "My name is (Y/N)." You say quietly. "I don't appreciate what you tried to do (Y/N)." She says keeping a firm look on her face. "But I can see why you did it." You look up at her. "I assume you have been through a lot?" She asks and you nod. "How far along are you?" She asks her head gesturing to your stomach. "I think I'm maybe four or five months along?" You say sounding unsure. "Do you have anyone who could be looking for you right now?" She asks and you shake your head. "No... They're all dead." You say solemnly. She nods. "How old are you?" She asks "I am thirty-one or thirty-two I think?  My watch broke a while back so all the days seem to blend together." She looks you up and down. "I will be right back." She says and walks past the curtain and you can hear people  on the other side whispering.

The woman comes back into the room and sits back down. "We decided that we are going to let you stay..."  The woman begins. "No I-"  You get cut off by her. "You are going to stay in the infirmary until your foot is healed. That should give us enough time to find you a place to stay." She says coolly. "I understand that you are scared but we are a great community here. We want to help you." You nod slowly. "Thank you miss..?"  "My name is Maria. I am the leader of this town." You nod "It is nice to meet you Maria. Tell the two people who I arrived with 'Thank you' for not blowing my head off." She nods and stands up. "I will be sure to get you some clothes soon. When we get you those you can have a shower okay?" She asks and you nod. "Yes Ma'am. Thank you."

A Helping Hand (Joel x Pregnant Reader)Where stories live. Discover now