Chapter 4

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It has been a couple of weeks and you were in the beginning of your eight month and it was one of the most difficult times you have ever experienced. Joel stopped interacting with you other then a slight nod of recognition passing each other on the street. You never realized how much you depended on Joel until now. He kept you company most days, whether it was playing his guitar, letting you vent, or reminiscing about the old world. You went to him when you couldn't sleep at night because of how active the sucker was. They would always know when Joel was near and would almost always calm down. Now here you were another night of no sleep just staring at the ceiling. You refused to go sit on your porch swing, it hurt to know that someone who you use to be close with lives right across from you and refuses to talk to you. You roll yourself out of bed. You were wearing a loose pair of shorts and a stretchy tank top. You had been wearing those for a week straight. You haven't felt the urge to do anything other then eat to keep your baby healthy. You began writing and doodling in a journal when Ellie explained that it helped letting out emotions on to paper. You haven't left your house often since Joel was your main support system. People would come over but you were to embarrassed to let them in. You have let your insecurities and anxiety get the best of you and now you feel like you are drowning.

It was morning and Joel and Tommy were out on patrol. While side by side on their horses Tommy looks over Joel. "What is goin' on with the to of you?" He asks. "What?" Joel responds. "You and (Y/N). What is going on?" He asks and Joel sighs looking away from the trail in front of them. "Nothing..." Joel mumbles. "You can't lie to me Joel. You both were so happy. What happened?" Tommy says asking sternly. "We were dancin' and she looked so happy... We had a moment..." "A moment?" Tommy asks. "Like in all those romantic movies ya see. It was like time stopped, your heart beating out of your chest type feeling." He says as they continue. "I felt like a fucking teenager again Tommy." Tommy looks at his brother waiting for him to continue. At this point the two paused on the trail. "She wanted me to kiss 'er. She leaned in and had that dreamy look in her eye." Joel says. "Did you kiss her?" Tommy asked. "No..." Joel says shaking his head. "She deserves better Tommy." "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Tommy exclaims. "You have a chance at bein' happy and you are doin' the 'She deserves better' bullshit?" Tommy says and Joel looks over to his brother with a solemn expression. "To-" "No Joel! You are going over to her house, getting her a fucking steak sandwich, and some fucking flowers, and apologizin'!" Tommy says as they see the settlement in the distance. "You need to let yourself be happy... I know your scared, hell I was scared when I first met Maria but now look!" He says gesturing to himself specifically to the ring on his left hand ring fingers. "I got hitched and I am as happy as I can be. You deserve a chance Joel." Tommy says before Tommy dismounting and going over to a small patch of flowers that were on the edge of the forest. Joel got off his horse to look at what Tommy was picking. In his hand were a patch of blue, yellow, and (Y/F/C) flowers. "Lets get a move on." Tommy says handing the small bouquet to him.

The two get back to the town and Maria comes running up to them. "Hey guys." She says before looking in Joel's hand. "Those for (Y/N)?" She asks and Joel nods almost bashfully. "That's good. (Y/N) needs a pick-me-up." "Why? What's wrong?" Tommy asks. "She hasn't come out of her home in a week or so. She won't answer the door for anybody." She says as a sad expression overcomes her features "Not even for Dina, and you know how close those two are." Maria says as the boys dismount. "Go get that steak sandwich and get your ass over there now." Tommy says and Joel sighs. "Bu-" "But nothin' she will always answer for you!" Tommy scolds and Joel sighs and nods. He retrieves the steak sandwich and is heading over to your house. When he gets there he sees Dina and Ellie standing at your door. "Come on (Y/N)... Let us in we want to help." Dina pleads. "Not right now." They hear you sob. He steps up the porch steps. Dina and Ellie step to the side. "Please help her..." Dina says before walking down the steps Ellie following after.

Joel sighs and knocks on the door. "Sweetheart? It's me... Please let me in." Joel says. He hears the door unlock and footsteps walking away from the door. He opens it and looks around. Clothes are littered all over the living room. Some were in piles others were just thrown in place. There were dirty dishes in the sink and the place just looked a mess. He sets the food and flowers on the counter before moving to your room. He sees you curled in a ball on your bed. Your mop of greasy (H/C) hair is the only thing he can see under all the blankets. "Sweetheart?" He asks. He walks over to your side of the bed and kneels down. He moves the blanket from over your face to see your red eyes and cheeks. "Oh doll..." He says wiping your cheek with his thumb. "What's wrong?" He asks. You shake your head burying it in the pillow. "Tell me what's wrong sweetheart." He hears you sniffle and mumble something. "Hm?" He leans closer and you look at him. Your (E/C) eyes seemingly glowing brighter the more you cry. 

You raise your head looking at him. You are confused of why he is here. "You left..." You say quietly. "I thought I scared you away." You say wiping your eyes. "That doesn't explain why you haven't been out of the house..." He says a frown present on his face. This brings more tears to your eyes and you cover your face. "Honey what is it?" "Quit calling me that! Why are you here." You sniffle and this shocks him it seems. "I'm here 'cause I care..." He says slowly. "Then why didn't you talk to me. I have felt like I have done something wrong..." You said. "You didn't..." "I must have because you stopped talking to me. Look I understand that you don't like me but don't leave..." You say with a sob. "Sweetheart it isn't like that at all. I was just being scared and stubborn..." He says moving some hair from your face. "It's just I feel like I scared you away and these hormones aren't helping..." "What do you mean?" He asks and you scoot over so he can sit on the bed. "I... I thought that if I scared you away, that everyone would eventually leave to..." You sniffle. "T-Then Seth's words kept entering my head about how I shouldn't get comfortable. I felt like I couldn't ask for help because I didn't want to bother anyone." You say not making eye contact. "(Y/N) you know that ain't true... You have so many people who want to help and care for you." He says trying to understand. "I thought I had you and then you left..." You mumble and suddenly hurt is present on his face. "You are one of my most stable support systems and I just assumed that if you leave then so would everyone else..." You sniffle and he takes one of your hands in his big callused ones. "I am so insecure all the time and now my clothes don't fit a-and my feet are to swollen to fit in my shoes anymore!" You cry. Joel begins to gather you in his arms and sit behind you on the bed. "Then the one time you want to see me I look absolutely awful! I-I'm hideous and my place is a mess a-an-" You begin to hyperventilate. "Hey, Hey, Hey... Breath sweets." He lays your head  on his chest and begins to breath slow. You begin to match your breathing to his and he looks down at you and look up.

As you look up at him he gives you a small smile. "And..." He begins. "And I do like you sweetheart. It's just you should be with someone your age... Someone younger." He says sadly while cupping your cheek. "You deserve someone who can make ya smile everyday. Someone who you can spend the rest of your life with. Not some old man..." You cup his cheek. "I would rather spend a good ten years with you then spending a life time with someone else." You say looking over his face for any trace of a lie. "Meeting you was a blessing Joel Miller... And we don't know if tomorrow will ever come so I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can..." You says as more tears slip from your eyes. "... Because honestly you fucked me up Miller... I feel like I can't breath without you." Joel glances down at your lips before kissing you. It was a deep loving kiss that makes your heart stop. He tasted like black coffee and mint. His beard tickles your lips and chin. You bring your hands up to cup his face before pulling away. When you do he has one of the biggest smiles on his face and you giggle when suddenly you come to a realization. "Oh God! I must taste awful! I haven-" He cuts you off with another kiss but it is shorter then the last. "Move in with me." He says. "What?" You asked shocked and he takes your hand from his cheek and press a kiss to your knuckles. "Move in with me... This place is to small for the kid. Please... I don't want to waste any more time..." He says his tone on the verge of pleading. "Okay..." You say with a smile and he brings you in for the third kiss of many.

A Helping Hand (Joel x Pregnant Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora