Chapter 8

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Joel stared at you in the early hours of the morning. After last nights events he gave you a bath, lit some candles, and tried to make it as comfortable as possible. He made sure to give you enough love and reassurance through his actions where his words would be lacking. He hopes you know that you are the only one he wants. So as the sun comes over the horizon, the sun caressing you beautiful (Skin Color) skin memorizing the smooth and bumpy edges. Feeling the fine hairs that are along your arms and face. You opted to sleep naked that night, so now  he could see the plains of skin by just moving the blanket. Which he does, but not for something sexual. More for seeing how beautiful you look. He looks down at your swollen belly and runs his callused hands along your stomach. He scoots lower into the bed and places kisses on it. He feels the baby kick against his lips. He chuckles quietly.

"Shh... Mommy is sleeping." He whispers before planting more kisses along your stomach.

He looks up to see if you are awaken by his movements and is glad to see that you aren't. He places one final kiss at where he assumes the head of you- our child would be. 'Yes... I consider them my own...' He thinks to himself happily 'But would Y/N be okay with that?'. He gets up from the bed as gently as he can without jostling you awake. He quietly exits the room and shuts the door. He groans slightly as he heads down the stairs. He feels his stiffness leave as he is finally at the bottom of the steps. He decides to make you breakfast. Luckily, he got eggs a few days ago as well as some bacon. He hopes you like that. There is no juice unfortunately, but he is sure some water will suffice. He needs to make sure that both items are cooked thoroughly, but he hopes he makes it there in time to serve you breakfast in bed. As he is cooking he hears the back door open. 

"Ellie?" He asks and he here a small 'yeah' In response.

Ellie walks around the corner and leans against it. She is silent for a moment before looking in the direction of the stairs. She speaks. "How is she?"

"Had a bit of a rough night, but she is doing well I hope." He says as he sets on of the pieces of bacon on a napkin and scoots it toward her on the counter.

"And the baby?" She asks and he nods. "As far as I know yes. She has an appointment tomorrow." He says.

"Good, good..." She says quietly.

Joel sighs as he finishes the bacon and moves on to the eggs. "I uh... I never really got your opinion before moving her in. I am sorry if it is an inconvenience for you."

Ellie's eyes widen. "N-No it isn't! It's completely fine... Keeps you off my back." She mumbles the last part. 

Joel laughs in response. "Yeah I guess it does..." He sighs again as he begins to scramble the eggs. 

"I know you can take care of yourself. I just- I don't know. I want you safe." 

Ellie nods. "I know, but I'm fine okay?" Joel nods in response. 

Ellie leans over and takes the piece of bacon. "If you uh. If you ever need help when it comes to her and the baby. Let me know." She says and Joel chuckles.

"I think you would make a great big sister." Ellie turns to walk out the door but pauses at that statement. 

"I prefer the cool aunt." She says with a slight smile. 

Joel smiles back. "Cool aunt it is." He says and turns back to the eggs allowing Ellie to leave the conversation if she wants to.

Ellie does indeed leave but Joel is still smiling to himself. Progress was definitely made. Another blessing you seem to bring. He finishes the eggs and scoops them on to a plate before getting a bottle of water. He makes his way up the stairs and into the bedroom after figuring a way to open the door. As he opens it he sees you close your eyes quickly. He lets out a quiet chuckle. He walks over to your side of the bed and sets the food and the water bottle on the side table. He then sits at the edge of the bed. He can tell you are awake because of how forced your breath is being by attempting to make them even. He leans down as if to kiss you but moves over to your right ear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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