Chapter 5

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"Joel you didn't need to do this. You could have waited until some of the others could help..." You say in a scolding manner. Joel set a relatively large box down at the foot of the stairs before walking up to you. "I told ya. I don't want to waste any more time." He says and you guide him to the couch and sit down with a huff. "And you are turning into a sap." You says with a giggle and Joel blushes slightly. Joel lays a hand on your stomach and smiles when he feels a kick against his palm. "He bein' rowdy?" Joel asks and you sigh leaning your head back. "I think he is just as excited as me." You say looking over and placing your hand on top of his lacing your fingers together. You both stare at each other for a moment before a knock on the screen door breaks it. You both look over and see Dina standing on the other side. "Hey Dina!" You say and grunt as you try to stand up. "Joel help me up please?" You ask with a sigh and he chuckles before gently hoisting you up. You smiles and place a hand on his upper arm and smile. "Thank you." You say before heading over to the screen door and opening it. "He-" "So how is the moving going?" Dina asks in excitement. "It is going okay." You say with a laugh. "Joel refuses to let me or anyone help." You say sending a playful glare over to him. He smiles and walks into the kitchen. "How have you been Dina?" You ask stepping outside with her. "I have... I have been okay..." You look at her concerned before guiding her to sit on the steps with you. "What is it D?" You ask placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm feeling conflicted." She states. "About what?" You ask and she sighs. "Have you... Have you ever had feelings for someone you have no chance with?" She asks her brown eyes meeting yours. "I mean... Yeah there were times I did. Why?" Dina begins to fidget next to you. "Dina... you can tell me anything." You say wrapping your arm around her shoulder. She sighs and leans into you. "I broke up with Jesse... Again." She says sadly. "Does this have to do with the 'Person you have no chance with?'" You ask and she nods. "Let me ask you a few questions." You says and she nods looking up at you. "Have you known this person for a while?" You ask and she nods. "Do you really like this person?" Dina nods again and you form a smirk on your face. "Is this person a spitfire with a scar on her eyebrow?" You ask and she gasps "B-But how!" She exclaims. "I can see the chemistry between the two of you." you say with a small smile. Dina has a blush present on her face and your smile widens. "I'm sure everything will work out the way it should. Now how about we go inside and have something to drink." You say using the railing to get up. Dina stands up next to you and walks to the screen door opening it for you as you both walk in.

Joel walk in with a mug and hands it to you. "Thank you Joel." You say with a smile before taking a sip of tea. He nods and looks at Dina before leaning down and kissing your temple and saying. "I will be at the workshop for a bit. That okay?" You sigh and nod. "You don't have to ask to go places love..." You says placing your hand on his bicep and he nods. "I know I just want to make sure you are okay sweetheart." He says and you lean up and kiss his cheek and he blushes. "I'm not due for a little bit. You don't need to worry. Now get that cute butt down to the shop." You say smacking his butt as he walks past and he lets out a chuckle. "Seeya sweetheart." He says through the screen door before walking down the steps and in the Direction of the shop. You let out a sweet sigh before turning to Dina. "Sorry about that..." You say with a blush. "He doesn't like to much PDA." Dina has a smirk on her face as she sits down and asks "So how is he in the sack?" and you gasp. "Dina!" She lets out a few giggles before calming down. "We just started dating and I- We want to take it slow." Dina nods. You wobble over and sit next to her on the couch and sip your tea some more. "Can I touch your bump?" She asks and you let out a playful annoyed sigh. "Can't keep your hands off of me huh?" You say with a smirk and she nods. "Go ahead." You say lifting your cup off your stomach and to the side table. She squeals and places her hands on your belly.

"How does Ellie feel about you moving in?" Dina asks and you smile. "She has her own space but I think she is glad that Joel has someone to distract him." You say chuckling. "Yeah... He has always been a recluse and only sticking by Maria, Tommy, or Ellie." Dina says and you listen intently. "Ellie told me about the adventures they have been on and how cold he was to her." You begin to tear up and nod. "Yeah she told me about it to." You sniff and Dina immediately looks in your direction. "Hey... What's wrong?" She asks and you shake your head. "Please tell me (Y/N)..." You sigh and try to catch a breath. "I just feel so lucky... I don't deserve all of this. I don't deserve Joel..." You say as tears begin to fall down your cheeks. "Damn hormones." You murmur. "Why do you think you don't deserve Joel?" She asks and you sigh. "He has been through so much. He had a daughter before all this shit happened and I know he is scared." Dina nods wrapping an arm around you. "He is taking this massive step of taking care of me and a baby that isn't even his. I am so scared that he will back out and I will be alone again..." Dina looks confused. "What do you mean again?" She asks and you lean into her. "Anthony..." "Anthony?" You nod. "He is this babies father. I told you I had a sexual relationship with a man and that is his name." Dina rubs your back as you continue.  " I was two months pregnant when he died..." "... And you have been alone ever since." Dina finishes and you nod. "And now I have Joel and he is a dream that I don't want to wake up from and I know I will one day." You say with a sigh. "I'm scared I'm going to wake up and he is going to realize that the baby will be to much to take care of..." "Joel isn't like that." You hear a third voice and look up to see Ellie in the arch way. "He wouldn't do that to you. I hear him talk about you to Tommy all the time." She says and you let out a sad laugh. "I know he won't... It is just a fear I have." Ellie nods and walks closer. "Dina Joel wants you to go to the workshop. He wants you to look at something." Dina nods and stands up. "See you later okay (Y/N)?" She asks and nods. She nods back and walks out the door.

Joel is in the workshop as he finishes sanding the last piece of his recent project when Tommy walks in. "Hey." Tommy says as he walks around a few pieces of wood to get to his brother. "Heya Tommy..." Joel says seemingly in his own world. "What did you want to talk about Joel?" Tommy asks and Joel turns to him with a serious look on his face. "I wanted to ask you somethin'" Joel says gesturing for a stool to sit on and Tommy sits down. "What is it?" Tommy asks. "I was wondering if you could talk to Maria about patrol..." He says and Tommy looks confused and asks. "What about patrol?" "I want to take time off... Maybe retire..." Tommy gets a shit eating grin on his face. "You want to retire huh?" Joel begins to blush and nods. " You are so whipped for this girl ain't ya?" "Oh shut it." Joel grumbles before turning around and Tommy laughs. "You got a ring yet?" Tommy asks. Joel stays quiet which answers Tommy's question. "You REALLY like her." "You said yourself that I was gonna get hitched at some point!" Joel snaps and Tommy laughs. "I'm happy for you brother. I'm sure Maria will be just fine with out you on patrol." Joel puts on a small smile looking at him again. "Thank you." He says and Tommy nods and leaves.

A few minutes later Dina walks in. "Hey Joel!" She says with a smile and He smiles back. "Hey Dina thanks for comin'" He says standing up and moving some things out of the way. "Any time Joel so what's up?" Joel stands up and leans over the work bench and grabs a piece of paper and hands it to her. Dina gasps and smiles. "This will be perfect!" She exclaims. "What color are you going to paint it?" She asks excited. "That is what I am hoping you could help me with." He says taking the paper and putting it back on the table. "Hmmm. Her favorite color is (F/C) maybe a few different shades of that color." Dina says and Joel nods writing it down. "What about staining it? For all we know there might not be much paint. Should we stain some parts?" He asks and she shakes her head. "Honestly with this color wood I think it would be better if you uh... Seal it?" He nods "Yeah that would be for the best I think. The lightness of the wood should be enough... I just hope she likes it." Dina sighs and looks at him. "She'll love it." Joel sighs and nods. "I should get home to her. She's probably getting up to mischief and unpacking boxes." He says as he begins to make his way out the door only to bump into his brother. "Tommy, what the h-" "Don't go outside!" Tommy says. "What?" Joel asks trying to get around him. "What do you mean?" He says finally getting outside. Tommy tries to steer him away from the gate. "Joel do-" "Tommy!" Joel's entire body freezes as he hears a pair of light footsteps behind him. He turns around and their eyes meet. "Claire?" "Joel?"

(Hello I just want to say that this might be the last part for a while. I recently got a job and it has taken up most of my time. I apologize and I hope you understand.)

A Helping Hand (Joel x Pregnant Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें