Chapter - 14

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'How can someone hate their own parents to this extent? He said he would have killed them... what does that mean? Granny said he had troubled childhood but still parents are meant to love their kids. How is it possible then they won't love their own kid? I guess he would have some misunderstanding.' Swara kept on looking at the car which was going way.

She turned to go back but once again tilted her head to see him, 'but he was hurt with Granny's words. I could see pain, anguish, hatred in his eyes. Hey Kanhaji, please keep your blessings on him.'

Swara came back inside thinking about her own thought process, till morning she was angry over him but now she was praying for his wellbeing.

She entered temple where Granny was shedding tears blaming herself for hurting her grandson with her bitter words. Julia was with her trying to console.

"I hurt him. He must be devastated by now. I am worst grandmother"

"No Granny, you are the best grandmother one can have. He knows how much you love him. And he also loves you so much. Please, Granny don't cry." Swara tried her best to console. But looking at Granny her eyes also filled with tears.

Soon it was late afternoon, but Sanskar was still not returned.

Swara was in dilemma of what to do.

She was still with Granny, in her room. She had informed Ayesha about her late arrival since it was Sunday.

"Did he come back?" Granny asked question for hundredth time.

Swara shook her head in denial.

"Call him Swara"

"I tried but he had left his phone at home. It's in the room."

"Hey Kahnaji, please bring him back soon." Granny folded her hands.

"Granny you please eat something. You need to take medicines as well."

"No, let him come back. My child must be hungry as well. He is hurt."

Tears were continuously rolling over Granny's cheeks.

'I have to bring him back somehow atleast for Granny. She should not take this much stress.'

"Granny, I will be back in two minutes" Swara informed and came downstairs.

She saw couple of security guards. She asked them about Roger. She has seen him mostly every time with Sanskar. And looking at them she had understood Roger would be the person who would know or at least be able to find him out.

"Yes Mam" within half an hour Roger was in front of her with bowed head.

"Sir is missing from morning. Will you be able to find him?" she requested.

"Did he carry his phone with him?"

"No, it is still in home, but he took his car."

"Then I can find him out with car's GPS."

"Swara" they heard Julia's scream from upstairs.

She and Roger ran upstairs following the voice.

They both entered Granny's room where Julia was shaking Granny, but she had slipped in unconscious mode.

"Granny" Swara cried out.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know; I was with her and then she suddenly became unconscious."

"Granny. Granny, wake up. Please open your eyes Granny" Swara shook her but there was no response.

"Julia Aunty, call her doctor"

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