Chapter - 20

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Swara went stilled at her place with his sudden hug. She could feel he was shaken from the core.

"Sir, are you ok?" Swara mumbled against his chest.

She was able to hear his racing heartbeat.

He tightened his grip over her not letting her go away from him.

His one tear slipped and fell on Swara's shoulder.

'Is he crying?' Swara wrapped her hands and patted his back to provide support.

His tight grip over her petite figure was making causing her suffocation, but her heart did not permit her to break their moment. She understood he needed some assured emotional support.

"It's fine Sir. Everything will be fine." She tried to assure without any context.

Her soothing words, her assured taps on his back broke his trance and he gained his senses back on what happened few moments ago.

He broke their hug ruffling his hand from his jet-black hairs while tightly closing his eyes.

Swara stared at him who was gulping his own unshed tears. He was breathing heavily.

He gave quick glance at her.

"I am sorry." He looked everywhere but not at her.

"Sir? Are you ok?"

He stared in her big doe eyes those were filled with her concern for him. He broke their brief eye lock looking at other side.

He turned and taking long strides started leaving from there.

Swara called him couple times from back, but he was gone.

Remaining day Swara tried to keep herself engrossed in her work. She got to know from Mike that Sanskar did not return to office.

One part of her heart wanted to know what happened with him. One moment she even thought to call him, but knowing his nature, she knew he would not appreciate her concernedly gesture and will take it other way round passing his famous sarcastic comments.

She could not deny but her heart was craving for his wellbeing. 'I hope he would be fine. He looked shattered.'

She came back to her home, helped her roommates, talked with her parents as usual but back of her mind was occupied with Sanskar's thoughts.

'What happened to him suddenly? He was so disturbed. He was angry that he would have killed that old man. I have never seen him this much angry anytime. But why he was angry?'

'I have seen him this angry only on that night when he had received that phone call in middle of the night. He was ready to kill anyone.'

'Siddhant Sengupta the same name he took that day as well.'

'May be family rivalry.' she tried to convince her unsettled mind.

She went to her bed, but sleep was far away from her eyes. Sanskar's tormented face was replaying in front of them taking away her sleep.

It was mid-night when her phone started buzzing flashing 'Granny Calling.'

She came out to balcony to pick up the call.

"Hello Granny"

"Swara, my child please don't worry about Sanskar. He is here with me." Granny's voice added fuel to her already lit confusion.

'He went to meet Granny alone?'

"Ohh! Ok Granny."

"I know you would have been worried about him as he did not come back from office. He came here to meet me."

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