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Chapter 4

I picked up my vest on the stand and made myself presentable before getting out. When I passed by the hallway to the family room, I saw his shoes scattered recklessly on the floor. I picked it up and set it aside near a large decorative vase.

I went to the kitchen and already saw Mrs. Davis preparing the breakfast. She is the head of the housekeeping department and also one of the older staff in the house. 

"What would Richie want to eat today?" She inquired as she whisk a bowl of batter.

I put on an apron. I decided to help while I chat with her about the upcoming party. "Something light he said. Nothing specific."  

"Hey Evelyn," She insists I call her by her first name. "When did Richard start to look like that?" 

"I don't understand." she said.

How do I say this?

"You know, like a jacked up male model?" I replied. 

She giggled for a moment. "Oh that. Well he started going to the gym. He's also member of the rowing club in college, I think. Haven't you seen his Facebook profile? He rarely posts a photo but sometimes he gets tagged in one." 

"I have no Facebook nor any other social media accounts." It seems like I'm the only one in the house who has none.

"Oh. Yeah. Why won't you create one? Did you know that he asks me about you once in a while?"


"Richard." she responded as if stating the obvious.

I stopped cutting the tomatoes. Well that can't right. He never  bothered to call me and yesterday was the first time that we met after five years. "Really?" I inquired curiously.

"Yes!" she affirmed. "Sometimes he would ask if me if you're fine, what you're currently doing. You're friends with him right? You practically grew up together."

I felt a flush of shame. "Yes we did." I muttered. If what she said was true, does Richard really see me as a friend? I always thought that he regarded me as one of his family's employee. I cleared my mind for any thoughts and instead focused my attention on preparing our meal for the morning.

 After our breakfast, Richard mainly locked himself in his room the whole day. By noon, Mr. and Mrs. Preston arrived at the house fresh from their trip and for the remainder of the day, I was making sure everyone's need is being attended to. At seven in the evening, the dinner party started with some lively music and entertainment from the host.

I was busy serving drinks for the visitors when Mrs. Preston approached me.  "The party's already starting and Richard's nowhere in sight." she sounded a little bit stressed. "Will you please see to it that he's ready."

I nodded in reply. "Will do ma'am." I called one of the waitstaff to keep up with serving the drinks before I went inside the house.

The door to Richard's room is still closed and so I knocked before calling him. "Sir, the celebration began a few moments ago. Your mother is already looking for you."

I haven't received a response from him. "Sir?" I called out. Again no response. 

Damn it. If he's not going to come out of his room, I'm gonna be held responsible if the celebrant will be missing at the reception. Without his permission, I opened the door only to find out that he's already dressed but is currently laying on his bed busy with his phone.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"What?" he finally said.

"You're missing out on your graduation party."

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