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Chapter 6

Weather the next morning was pleasant compared to the ravaging rain we had last night. It must have been a nice morning because Richard decided to eat his breakfast outside the house for some al fresco dining. Once we had set-up the meals on the outdoor table, I had to tell him that the food's already served. Richard soon came down wearing a plain white shirt and a gray sweatpants.

I greeted him good morning and pulled the chair for him to sit down. "Enjoy your meal sir." I said before attempting to walk back inside the house for some morning routines, however, Richard called me back and I attended his aid. "Yes sir?" I asked.

"Have you eaten?" he inquired.

"No sir. We usually have our breakfast after the master is done eating."

"Pfft. What master? We're already in the twentieth century. Don't be silly." he pushed the other chair in front him and motioned me to join him. "Let's eat. We need to be early to introduce ourselves in the company."


He cut me off. "Let Evelyn do whatever you intended to do." 

I thought about his suggestion first which is a little bit strange to me. I think it's rarely that the employers invite their workers to eat with them, or maybe I was wrong and I was just being a traditional snob. 

"So, are you gonna join me?" he sounded a little irritated from my lack of response. Reluctantly, I sat down and stared at the food that's served on the table. Noticing the lack of dinnerware, I excused myself once more. I stood up but he grabbed me by the pulse which almost made me gasp.

"Now where are you going?" he inquired, annoyed by my indecisiveness. 

"I'm just going to get myself a plate sir." I replied. We had only prepared a breakfast meal for one person so it's only natural to set a single plate on the table. "We can't certainly share a plate. That would be unsanitary." 

He finally let go of my arm and said fine. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed myself some plate and utensils. I asked Evelyn if she's fine being excluded in the breakfast table but she assured me that she's fine on her own and told me to grab the opportunity to catch up with an old friend.

I got back on the table and Richard haven't started eating yet. It appears like he had waited for me to come back from the kitchen before touching any food on the table.

"So what's new with you?" he asked after a series of silent munching.

"Uhm. Still the same sir." I replied.

"The same what?" 
"I'm still me but I just got older, sir."

I noticed him chew harder than usual emphasizing his already defined jawline. "I told you to stop calling me sir." he growled.

"What would you prefer that I call you then sir?" I bit my lip when the the word slipped from my tongue. It just that I'm used to calling everyone ma'am and sir as a sign of respect. However, he doesn't look pleased that he actually put down the utensils just to stare at me. "I'm sorry." I followed up.

"My name? or I don't know...Anything? You can even call me babe if you wanted but please, for the love of God, just not 'sir'."

Suddenly, it seems difficult to swallow. Like my throat just decided to close themselves just to spite me. I did my best to ingest the food I just ate before answering him. "Okay... Richard."

He smiled. "Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

I smiled back timidly and focused on eating until I was finally satisfied. Thank god he didn't attempt to continue that awkward small talk. After we were done, Richard instructed me to get dressed because we're gonna have a long day at work. 


"What would you like to use sss... Richard?" I can't believe I almost called him sir again. We're currently in their basement parking where lot of luxury cars sits quietly and rarely used. He grabbed one key from the rack and pressed the open button. One of the cars made a sound alerting us that it is already open.

"May I have the keys?" I politely asked but Richard walked directly to the car and opened the driver's door.

"I'm driving." he said casually and sat inside the car before starting the engine.  I guess I'm gonna have a hard time adjusting my routines when Richard wants me to do the opposite I usually do with his dad like driving him to work. I followed him inside and sat beside him in the passenger's seat. 

I observed him as he drives seriously on our way to their company headquarters. Is he nervous as I was? He doesn't look like he's on the edge though. I grip the journal on my hand tighter, wondering whether I can be of any help in maintaining their company's overall health. My mind was so preoccupied that I didn't even notice we were already on the corporate parking lot until I heard the sound of the back-up beeper while the car is in reverse.  

After parking, Richard switched off the car and handed the keys to me. "Where's the boardroom? It's been a while since my last visit." he asked.

"I'll show you." I said.

We got out of the car and I led the way. Upon reaching the lobby, a bubbly girl welcomed us and introduced herself as the company president's personal assistant. He then ushered us to the conference room while telling stories I never bothered to pay attention. 

She opened a large wooden door revealing a group of people who immediately stood up from the sight of us. I saw Mr. Johnson, the appointed president of the Goldwest Electronics approach us. He offered his hand and made himself known to the new VP.

The meeting started by Richard introducing himself to the executive officers before the president took the floor to discuss the present standing of the company. It was mainly to let Richard know more about the corporation and to update him on the current company state and events. I was seated beside him; listening intently in case he might ask me for a recap.

Finally the meeting was done and Mr. Johnson volunteered to tour us on the whole building and let us be familiarized with our new workplace. First we were shown to the new office of Richard who's name is already painted on the matted glass door. I was also presented with a table  outside his office where I will be staying for the rest of my tenure as his personal assistant. 

Then we were escorted outside to show the construction site of the extension building, adjacent to the main headquarters, which is currently in progress . We were given a grey hardhat to wear before visiting the parameters. I took two helmet and gave the other one to Richard. 

The site manager started the tour by discussing the current progress of the building. It is now almost complete with the finishing touches being done before they install the furniture and fixtures. As we were walking along the newly tiled lobby, we heard someone yell above the scaffolding. Someone accidentally overturned his paint and in a panic, the worker below the painter immediately dodged the waterfall of spilled paint. However, doing so made him knock over a series of unopened cans of paint near him. 

Everyone on the ground called my name which distracted me for a bit before I realized that a cluster of hard gallons of paint and debris is going to fall in my direction. I started to move my legs but I am certain that one of those things is gonna hit me, not until I was tackled by someone and we rolled on the floor before I heard the clanging of objects dropped on the ground.

Once the commotion was finished, everyone ran to our aid. I heard my rescuer groan behind me with his arm still wrapped around my stomach. The site manager offered his hand while he kept apologizing over and over. They help me stood up first before assisting my savior on his feet. Once the group backed away, I was surprised to see Richard furiously staring at me with his eyes locked directly at me like a wounded prey.

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