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Chapter 14

It's Sunday and it's a good thing we don't have an office duty for today. I spent the whole morning tending to their garden; pulling out weeds and replanting seedlings in a bigger pot. I also watered Mrs. Preston's orchid collection on their private greenhouse. Richard is giving me the silent treatment today I see. That's good. I don't mind the serenity but I can literally see him observing me at a distance like a hawk watching its prey

It's almost two in the afternoon when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw a pretty woman standing outside.

"Good day madam. How can I help you?" I asked her since nobody was scheduled to visit the house today.

"Hi! I'm here to see Richard." she replied. Before I could even ask if she has an appointment, she let herself in. Okay... Is Richard expecting her?

"Excuse me ma'am but I need you to wait in the foyer while I call for Richard."

"Yes but-" I was about to stop her from entering further when Richard intervened.

"It's fine Carl. I'll take it from here." 

"Richard!" the woman squealed and jumped like a rabbit to hug him. I heard Richard groan from the sudden weight he has to carry.

"What brings you here?" he asked as he let go of the visitor.

"I heard you're back in town and I wanted to confirm if you will be attending my parent's wedding anniversary tomorrow."

"I just spoke to your father about it. You didn't have to come to our house just to confirm."

"But I wanted to see you. So it's a yes then?" 

"Yes. I was planning on going." Richard replied.

What a liar. It's not even on his schedule. The woman screeched again in joy and jumped excitedly. I left the two as they continued their conversation on the lounge and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare some refreshment for our guest. I then noticed the box of pastries that Richard has left untouched on the countertop so I decided to put it on the tray to partner it with the drinks.

I heard laughter as I approach the sunroom. The moment I entered the room, I saw the woman affectionately holding Richard's arm while she's giggling as if he told her a funny joke. I left the tray on the table and went off my way.

An hour has passed before I saw the two come out of the sunroom. I politely smiled at the woman as a way to say goodbye and she decided to approach me.

"By the way, the pastries are delicious. Richard mentioned you got it from a friend." she said.

I looked behind her and saw Richard sulking like a child.

"I can give you his contact details if you want." I offered.

"OMG, yes please! That would be great." 

I quickly went to the kitchen and plucked Damien's calling card that he taped on the pastry box. I gave it to the woman and she expressed her gratitude. After a minute more of talking, she finally bid goodbye to Richard. 

Once the silence enveloped the room, he nudged my arm lightly and I immediately turned to him. "What?" I asked reflexively in annoyance before I realized that I first broke the silence. This sneaky guy.

"Prepare your best dress tomorrow. We are going to that party." he instructed.

As if I have a choice. 

"Fine. What time? I'm going to block your schedule."

"Party starts at nine but we need to be there by eight." he replied.

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