forty six

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"Lissy? Can I borrow a sweater in case the restaurant is chilly?"

I grinned and reached into the closet, grabbing a pale blue cardigan and handing it to Daisy as she looked at me with doe eyes through her lashes. Her deep skin tone was set off by a pretty red Nintendo gaming tee while she stuck to her usual Jean shorts, all legs and gawky teenage awkwardness.

"You know the answer, Dais. Mi closet es su closet."

She laughed lightly and dipped her head before leaving my room with the sweater and a scrunchie I also loaned her but never expected in return. At this point Daisy was essentially my sister and I felt such a deep connection to her that I needed to know she was okay. I felt the same desire to protect her that I did for Benji. Her needs mattered to me.

We had a busy few days planning Remington's party after a relaxing weekend just laying around the house. Rebecca and I had some long conversations and even met for coffee on Monday at the dog park with Leah to talk about everything that she's dealing with regarding Trisha.

Things have been rough with Greg's health but the best option was to delay the pool party until the following weekend, after Remington's birthday party and our cake and ice cream dessert buffet.

After my first date.

Trisha was none the wiser and followed me back on Instagram at least. I didn't try to connect or force anything but knew gentle contact was best. Rebecca had a feeling there was more to her daughters attitude and rebellion that she wasn't expressing.

I took a final look in the mirror, tugging at the khaki shorts I chose and adjusting the hemlines. I went with something casual but still classic, sticking with a long sleeved white button down linen shirt that I left open with a white lace camisole underneath.

My phone beeped and I grinned when I saw it was a text from Benji. He was at Remington's house and had been there since Kenny picked him up first thing in the morning. Leah and I concocted the plan earlier in the week and knew it was foolproof. It was easy- Kenny picked up Benji and Peach first thing along with a casserole dish that held a breakfast casserole that was ready to put in the oven. They headed to the guys place to start smoking meats and hang out for the day while I had a relaxing morning.  Raina fit me in for an extra session and with 4th of July the Physical Therapist was on vacation so everything fell into place to allow me a day full of self care.

Our plan was simple.

We were heading over to pick up Trisha and Rebecca then going to get lunch before getting manicures and pedicures. I had not done that since back when Clara was alive so it was both exciting and a bit nerve wracking to know I would be enjoying a luxury I had only ever done with her again. Reina and I discussed that awhile during this mornings session and she reminded me that Clara would want me to continue living my life, especially since everything has pointed to this being such a perfect arrangement for Benji and my situation.

The text was short but I laughed out loud and shoved my phone in Daisy's face when I read it.

BENJI: Lissy. Cancel the smoker. I can't handle this smell for so long.

"He is hopeless!" She laughed, shaking her head as I slid my phone into the front pocket of my bag. Daisy and I met Doc in the kitchen where she was on her phone speaking quietly with her MacBook open.  I grabbed a glass of water and took a few drinks while she finished up, relaxing as I texted Benji back.  Daisy grabbed a spoon and took bite of chocolate ganache from one of the containers in the fridge that we already had prepped for the party.  I stifled a snort at the way her eyes rolled back into her head as she tasted the icing, trying not to interrupt Doc's conference call but unable to contain myself at her theatrics.

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