forty eight

148 21 29

Alice POV

Every inch of my body ached, but the job was basically done.

Daisy was at our house by eight in the morning with bagels and cream cheese in hand

We took a few moments to craft an order of operations while building the Perfect Bagel Sandwiches with smoked salmon leftovers. The guys arrived soon after we began baking the first cake and started their day watching "Field of Dreams" before moving on to a classic baseball game deep dive while organizing baseball cards, giving Daisy and me the chance to bake our hearts out the entire day.

I was happy, though.  

So extremely happy.

Of course it was exhausting, especially as my body was still regaining strength after the train crash, but I felt stronger each day that went past.  My muscles were able to handle more at once, I could run faster and harder as I chased Peach in the yard.  The effort was all for a good cause which kept me focused, as well.  Knowing the work was all to celebrate Remington's birthday helped push me through when I felt my energy wane.

We enjoyed roast chicken for lunch along with salad, a simple meal that allowed us to get healthy food in our bodies before the assault of sugar once taste testing began. As cakes were completed we created a scraps bin so the family could try each type and begin the debate into what blends of cake and icing plus filling they prefer most.

Now it was late afternoon and time for an official break.

I took a long draw from the glass of ice water Remington brought me, condensation causing the cup to slide in my hands. Even though my body was depleted, the wheels in my head were turning.  My body settled back into the couch as each muscle released tension, each fiber in my back and abdomen feeling intense rushes of cramping now that I was still.  I shifted my weight from one side to the other while Remi rubbed my lower back, eliciting a low moan as I smiled my thanks.  

"So, what's the game plan for tomorrow, Liss?" Daisy collapsed onto the arm chair in a heap with one of her half frozen Gatorades in hand.  She and Benji decided to freeze a few so they could monitor time frames and determine how to create the Perfect Sports Drink Slush.  Their post it notes on the fridge made me laugh, especially once Benji added illustrations for "Optimal Ice-Age".  It was a harmless activity to keep them occupied, so naturally I was on board with this scientific experiment.

I chuckled as Benji threw a pillow at her, causing a squeak before the girl sat up cross legged and crossed her arms with a huff.  "Benji!"  Daisy let out a whine, retightening her pony tail before she grabbed the pillow and threw it back to Benji.  He caught it easily, smirking as her annoyance grew.

"Think faster, Daisy!" he laughed, "You've gotta be quick when you're around this crew!"

Remington reached for his own glass of water while continuing to massage my hip, the gentle pressure allowing some relief while I tried to decide whether I needed pain medication or a muscle relaxer.  His voice was soft when he caught my attention, resting his cold glass on the bare skin near my shoulder.  "Does your brain have space for a plan or do you need a nap?"

"Ooohhh a nap!" I exclaimed, turning in my seat to face him. "A nap sounds wonderful!"

I could hear Daisy laugh at my reaction while Remi only shook his head. "How can I help? You two worked your asses off all day, so what else needs to be done?  You can't possibly be baking more cake."

"Honestly, we're good. Daisy and I can finish the last few fillings tomorrow but all the baking is done and when we're at dinner she can handle decorations with Trish." My eyes locked with Remington and I tried to relay all the hope and excitement I had stored for this party in my words and expression.

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