fifty three

146 21 11

Alice POV

"Thank you again, Seb."  I leaned into the door jam with my shoulder braced against the entry way. The older man was making his way out the door with his apron slung over one shoulder, empty insulated takeout bags from his restaurant in hand. "You were so generous to give us such a huge meal."

He dipped his head low, sorrow clear in his eyes as he replied, "Oh, sweet Alice... Greg was a good friend.  His loss will be felt for a long time."  Sebastian laid a hand on my arm gently and smiled, "Please, take care of Remi for me?  He's a good boy but just... he needs you."

I turned and followed his eye line to Remington who sat on the couch by Benji.  They both listened as Jesse was telling a story about a hospital faux pas, entertaining Daisy and Doc who laughed while my boys tried to force smiles. It was obvious they were struggling, but his sweet regard warmed my heart.

"I promise you, I'll do my best."  I hugged Seb tightly, smiling through a fresh wave of tears.  He waved while walking to his car and I was filled with gratitude as I watched him drive away.

Yet another piece of the puzzle.

Another part of this community we are building.

I let out a long breath as I stood in the entryway but noticed Leah and Kenny waved from their house across the street.

Peach approached me and I grabbed her leash, attaching it before we stepped onto the porch so I could holler, "Come on by if you want!"

They talked amongst themselves before ducking into the house a moment then jogging across the street. Peach noticed them approaching and began to strain on her leash as I walked down the driveway, thankful for the light mist of rain that kept me grounded in the midst of more grief.

We didn't expect Sebastian to stay for supper, but he brought so much pizza, salad, and pasta that there was no way we would possibly finish everything ourselves.  Remington grabbed another chair and it was easy to slip into casual conversation. He had known Seb since childhood and saw the older man like a wise uncle, so Benji loved the time listening to more stories especially now that we had a more relaxing setup than the busy pizzeria.

Rob was extremely easy-going and thoughtful.  His personality fit in with our group more quickly than I would have expected, but I could tell he was empathetic which may be part of the reason why.  Jesse was paying close attention to each move the redhead made, especially when Rob mentioned a left behind boyfriend in Maine. Daisy side-eyed me a number of times during dinner before asking pointed questions so I was excited to get Leah up to speed.

"How was your nap?" Leah giggled, reaching to pull me into a hug while Kenny took the leash and was immediately mauled by an affectionate Princess Peach.

"Who sold me out?" I asked, laughing as she squished me tightly while Kenny patted my shoulder before making his way inside with the excited puppy.

"Daisy.  She texted asking for the recipe to make homemade pumpkin dog bones."

I gasped, mouth open as I stared into the house.  "That bitch!"

Leah laughed and slid her arm behind my back.  "So, Rob is cute and we think maybe had a boyfriend he left?"

"Definitely had a boyfriend, and said the word while staring at Jesse. Daisy and I are paying attention,"  I commented, waggling my eyebrows toward Leah as she giggled.

"The plot thickens, hmm? Guess we have to see how this plays out." She paused before we stepped inside, "I just want him to find a match if that's what he wants, you know? He just... I know he's feeling it around all the couples and wants to find someone so if this is right, then it would be fun to watch."

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