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The next three days were spent working hard in the back room. I had to call in my three part time workers and pay overtime to get the work done. I didn't see much of Junior, leaving him at friends houses. He was sad we had to postpone our beach day, but understood when I explained it was for a funeral. He understood all to well for a seven year old.

Friday came not soon enough. Junior was coming with me to work today so we could go to the movies right after our deliveries. He'd come downstairs in his Sunday button up shirt tucked into his jeans for breakfast saying he wanted to help deliver the flowers. Like so many people from town had helped us a few months ago he wanted to help these strangers. I nearly cried into my bowl of cheerios at his big heart.

At the back of the shop Jay - my best part timer- helped us load the bouquets and wreath into the back of my SUV. He tried to let me do the delivery himself, weary of me and Junior going to the home of club members. But I declined and sent him back to run the store. 

The movie theater was by the delivery address, and I didn't like making others do funeral deliveries anyways.

Driving with a disney playlist going for Junior my  heart jumped at the gps' directions. It had directed me down a street I had never been down. Most of the town avoided the aptly named Rider Row.

Most of the homes on this street were owned by Dullahan Riders which scared away most residents. Pulling down the street it wasn't hard to find the house I was looking for. A quaint little two story home painted a relaxing light blue. With a row of beautiful bluebells along the front garden. It was a beautiful, picturesque home I hadn't expected to find on Rider Row. Cars and motorcycles clogged up the driveway and street already.

Windows and the front door were open, people milling about on the lawn and inside even though it was only seven. I'd never seen so much leather in my life. Leather vest and jackets, leather boots, some of the girls even had leather tops or pants.

On top of that they are all extremely hot. Now I understood why so many girls snuck over to the bar when they hit college age. It's like they found all their members at a Viking modeling agency. Beards, muscles, and strong jawlines galore.

Turning down the music I tried to find a place to park near the driveway. "Okay, now Junior you can help me out only if you promise to stay glued to my side the whole time. Don't want to lose you in the crowd."


Putting the car into park I turned in my seat to look in his brown eyes. "Promise to stay by me?"


Smiling I got out of the car and got him out of the back seat. I pulled the lightest vase out of the trunk. "Here you go Junior."

He took it with an adorable serious look on his face. Stepping onto the curb with Junior at my side my breath caught as I spotted Kane striding across the lawn. His sharp gaze flicking between me and Junior. He had a black button up under his leather vest and slacks paired with leather boots. Dear god he's the sexiest man I've ever seen.

 Stopping I stepped slightly in front of Junior as the hulk of a man walked up to us.

"The flowers look great." He greeted, that baritone voice causing my stomach to fill with butterflies.

I nodded. "Thank you. Just a few minutes and we'll have them unloaded and be out of your hair."

Shaking his head Kane took the vase from my hands. "We got it." Looking over his shoulder he called out. "Hey boys, come help the little lady with the flowers."

Immediately the burly bikers were lining up to unload the back of my trunk, greeting my with nods and sad smiles. I had to hold my jaw closed at the efficient chivalry of men I had always been told were cold and cruel.

Kane drew my attention back to him as he spoke, "Hey little man, you got that?"

Junior nodded with a proud smile. "Yes sir."

Kane smiled and I swear I stopped breathing. "Well then, let's get these flowers inside."

He lead us inside behind all the guys who had already emptied my car and closed the trunk. In the foyer the flowers disappeared as a beautiful young woman with bleached blonde hair wearing a tight black dress directed them to their places. The men who terrified me taking her orders like soldiers and their drill sergeant.

"Kane, to the dining room." She turned her attention to me, red puffy eyes rimmed in back eyeliner. "Ah you must be the florist. Thank you." She took both my hands in hers surprising me. "I'm sure mamma is smiling at the beautiful work you've done."

I gave a small smile squeezing her calloused hand. "Thank you."

Looking down she noticed Junior dutifully standing next to me as he looked in aw at all the strong men milling around.

"Hi little man." She drew his attention and his little mouth dropped as he stared at the pretty woman. "Can you put those on that table for me?"

She pointed to the side table holding the bowl of keys by the door. Junior nodded and hefted the vase onto the table.

Squeezing her hand once more I let go, "I'm sorry for your loss." She nodded pressing her lips together.

"Come on Junior." I held my hand out to him. "Time to go."

He hurried over to take my hand and we walked to the car. I tried to ignore the stares at my jean shorts covered rear as we walked the aren't even short short. Junior's whispered comment helped my unease lighten. "Did you see that guy Juu? He looked like Thor!"

Smiling I opened his car door and buckled him in. "Yeah I guess with that hair and beard he kinda does. Now which movie are we seeing today? Black Widow or Jungle Cruise."

"Superheroes!" I laughed, should of guessed.


I watched through the opened front door front door as Juniper drove away. Feeling someone lean against my side I looked down to see Cat pushing her blonde hair behind her shoulders as she leaned against me following my line of sight. "She's cute. You bang her yet?"

I scoffed. "I'm not Viper, Cat. And I've not been in the mood this week." She shrugged as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Too bad. You two looked good together." I held in a bitter laugh. Grief was truly making Cat delusional. That beautiful woman was to precious and delicate to look like she belonged with me. She deserved better and one glance at me would tell any moron that.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Turning her around I guided our club's princess to the kitchen. And forced myself to stop thinking about a certain little blonde in denim shorts.

Kane - Dullahan RidersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant