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We spent hours like that. Lips locked, bodies pressed together. Sitting, lying, I can barely remember it all. Except the feel. The warmth, the love, the absolute bliss that is Kane. I'd never known anything close to this feeling before.

Eventually he'd taken his leather jacket and laid it on the paved ground. We laid on top of it, cuddling, staring up at the wisteria dangling above our heads. It was like our own little haven. One I never wanted to end.
My head resting on his broad shoulder Kane lazily ran his fingers through my hair. Hair that he'd expertly removed from its bun in one smooth motion.

The comforting gesture was threatening to lull me to sleep. I rolled, cuddling more into his side with a lazy groan. Closing my eyes as I rested my hand on his muscles chest.

Kane chucked, kissing the top of my head. He's doing that a lot today. "You can't be that tired. I've only begun to kiss you. "

I lazily slapped his chest at the slight innuendo. Which only made him laugh more. "Junior had a nightmare last night, I couldn't get him back to sleep for hours."

Large calloused fingers gently wrapped around mine. Kane lifted my hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. "Then sleep little flower. I'll be here when you wake up."

With his fingers still running throughh my hair I did exactly that.

An alarm woke me up from what felt like a short nap.

Reaching into my pants pocket I pulled out my phone silencing the alarm. With a groan I dropped my head back onto Kane's warm chest.
He chuckled, that deep vibrating chuckle. "What is it?"

"Time to go pick Junior up from school."

He hummed in acknowledgment. "Sooo are we getting up now?" He asked, still running those relaxing fingers through my hair.

I shock my head. "Your too comfortable." Which isn't wrong. I was practically completely in top of him at this point, and this hulking man is more comfortable than any bed I've ever had.

He kissed my head again. "Come on flower." Wrapping his arms around me he sat up.

My eyes widened as we moved. I'm now sitting up, straddling him. I pulled my head back, Kane chuckled as he smoothed down both sides of my hair. Then kissed me lightly.  "Never stop being so adorable angel."

With what I'm sure is a furious blush from his growing laughter I stumble to a standing positing. His jacket in one hand Kane followed after me, taking my hand in the other.

I looked up at him as we followed the path back to the house. "Are you coming with?"

Kane nodded "I have all day and night for you little flower." I looked away from him again, biting back a smile.

We sat in my jeep talking and laughing as we waited in the car pool lane.

"Your first ever concert was the Jonas Brothers?"

"Of course, I was a twelve year girl. You expect it to be anything but a boy band?"

He laughing, shaking his head. "I guess not."

"Besides, it was an awesome concert." That made him laugh even more.

Which made me laugh. Kane has one of those contagious laughs. It's so deep and genuine, you can't help but feel the happiness in it. I inched the jeep forward as the line of cars slowly moved.

"Then what was yours?"

"My brothers took me to Aerosmith."

I laughed at that, shaking my head.

"What? It's a classic!"

I shook my head, tears in my eyes as I laughed so hard. "And such a cliche."

"Your a cliche, teenage girl loving boy bands." Kane growled as he poked me, I screamed in laughter. Kane grinned. Oh no. He began to tickle me.

"Stop! Stop, I'm driving!" I got out through laughs. He did, laughing as he leaned back in his seat.

Kane took my hand from the steering wheel and brought my knuckles to his lips. I'm starting to think that his love language is quite obvious.

Looking, I nodded to the group of kids. "There's Junior."

Kane rolled down his window. "Hey Junior!"

My little brother broke into a wide grin when he saw Kane. With a quick goodbye to his friends he hurried over to the car and jumped into the back seat.

"Kane!" He greeted as he closed the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to hang with you and your sister of course. If that's okay with you?"

"Of course it is!"

Junior excitedly started telling us all about his fun day at school. As we pulled out of the car pool lane I realized I hadn't gotten anything ready for dinner yet. Kane had completely derailed my daily routine. I never even came up with a plan for dinner.

"Hey Junior." I interrupted his long tyraid about spelling tests. "Have any ideas about what you want for dinner?"

"Uumm. Pizza!"

I glanced at the clock, three. That should be just enough time to whip up a fast rise pizza. "We'll have to stop by the grocery store for toppings. And I'll need your help making it."

"Okay!" He's little legs swung in excitment and I smiled.

Two hours later the pizzas and garlic bread sticks were in the oven, the kitchen cleaned,  and we all sat at the table as Junior pulled out his homework.

I sat with my chin resting in my hand, absent mindedly spinning the straw in my water cup.

I jumped as Kane flicked my nose. I turned to look at him sitting next to me, grinning. The look in his eyes made me smile. After this afternoon I knew that look well. He wanted to kiss me. I smiled back.

"Are you two dating?" Junior's sudden question had us both jumping.

"What?" We asked in unison.

Junior frowned looking between the two of us with a furrowed brown.

"You know what dating is?"

He nodded at my question. "When two adults like eachother they date. If it goes well they get married. Then have babies."

Kane started coughing at that. My face felt hot from how red it was turning. "Wh - who told you that?"

"Danny. His parents divorced last year, and now his dad is dating some lady named Carly. But his mom doesn't like her calls her the secretary whore."

Now I'm the one coughing, choking on my own spit. I could feel Kane's large hand gently taping my back as I chocked at the word that just came out of my sweet baby brother's mouth.

"Junior, don't ever use that last word you just said." Kane said, soft but firm as he handed me my glass of water.

"Why not."

"Because it's a very very mean word used to describe a woman. A good man respects women, we don't degrade them."

I finally looked up as I got my coughing fit under control. Junior looked like he was having a very serious train of thought as he stared at Kane. Then nodded.

"Okay." Then he looked at me. "Sorry Jun."

"It's okay." I nodded.

Kane's hand still rested on my back, rubbing slow circles on my shoulders. As I looked at him I realized how glad I am to have him here. I don't know how I would have handled that, but not that well.

"Yes Junior, we are dating." Kane looked into my eyes, and smiled the broadest smile yet.

Kane - Dullahan RidersWhere stories live. Discover now