"What is your favourite creature that you have hunted?"

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ChrissyDov asked "What is your favourite creature that you have hunted?"

Dean: when we hunt, we don't have favourites, so I don't have one.

Sam: I'm with Dean, I don't really have one.

Alexia: unlike my boring brothers, I have a few favourites.

Dean: oi!

Alexia: one of my favourites is the tulpa, possibly because even though it can be bad it can also be good. Another thing that always fascinated me was a wendigo, I really enjoyed hunting them, I'm not sure why. Possibly because I like camping.

Dean: I hate those fuckers.

Sam:you hate everything you hunt.

Alexia: I agree with Sam on this one.

Dean: Alex!

Alexia: yes..,

Sam: if you two dare bring me into this one I'm gonna murder you.

Alexia: you're no fun.

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