"Whats your least favourite thing about your each other."

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Alexia: *laughs*
Sam: *gives her a dirty look*
Sam: I'll go first, then. Dean, he stinks, he eats greasy food, which means he farts and then we have to be careful not to light anything, sometimes he doesn't listen to me and he puts this game face on and doesn't communicate.
Dean: well I'm sorry I don't want to be a girl and talk about feelings
Alexia: *hits him*
Sam: I could go on, but...that'll take ages. Anyway, on to Alex, sometimes she can't sit still, or sometimes she doesn't hear us when we're in the motel or something because she has earplugs in, she's a show off, and she keeps a lot of secrets, and has a knack of getting hurt, and she has these short periods of time where she just loses it, goes insane and if we don't find a hunt, all hell breaks loose. She eats most of the food to.
Alex and Dean: *glares at him*
Dean: well, Sammy, your such a clean freak! You complain to me about my clothes and food, you muddle up most hunts by adding greys into it, even though that is usually helpful, but. You keep secrets from me, you-you half a burrito and that's it, we have to clear out because that shit is worse than my farts by far. You disagree with my music tastes, you won't let me watch porn, and when I have a chance with someone you mess it up or pull me away! Wait, that's Alex..
Alex: *rolls her eyes*
Sam: you go on my laptop and watch it on there! So when I need it, it's frozen on a porn site or something.
Dean: you somehow find ways to screw up my car
Sam: you touch my stuff when you know your not meant to!
Dean: well, your, your, big...
Alex: *raises eyebrows*
Dean: and you have a knack of bringing the end of the world! Not to mention you have an incredibly small dick.
Alex: *opens ginger beer, takes a sip* ooh, it's on, mate.

*Sam and Dean are now fighting*

Alex: *gets in the middle of the two and punches the two of them in the face making them stumble backwards.* stop it! Why can't you two just, I don't not, not fight? For once? That's all you do, you fight, fight over dad, you fight over food, possessions, you fight each other for reasons that I haven't even caught on with! Yes, you are brothers, but please, stop. Your not the only ones with problems, I'm not the only one with problems, we all have problems, but fighting each other isn't gonna solve 'em. But do you know what might help a little bit more? Not keeping me out of the loop, not pushing me away and out of danger, I'm 25 man! I can look after myself, I feel useless like you guys don't actually need my help, I guess you don't, he'll, I wasn't even meant to be born! You two were, so quite complaining! Everyone pretty much knows you, you have a purpose, but me, no one knows me, I'm the girl that wasn't meant to be, so shut up, and be grateful for what you've got.

Sam: Alex-
Alex: *puts finger up* I'm not done yet
Dean and Sam: *look at each other worriedly*
Alex: you guys always seem to go behind each other's back to help the other, because your being a stubborn donkey, you two both hide secrets from each other, and sometimes you don't even freaking trust each other! Dean, you have moments where you don't trust Sam, and yet, Sam forgave you every time you hurt him, I've forgiven you for every time you've hurt me, but, sometimes you have to forgive yourself, and let others help you. Sam, I know your intentions are good, but you do have to tell someone and see what they think, Sam, you may be the smartest Winchester yet, but you're a bit of an idiot.


Alex: *sits down and sighs*
Sam: Lexie-
Alexia: shut the fuck up!
Dean: it's your time of the month isn't it?
Sam: ....
Alexia: No but you just get on my nerves 24/7 you inconsiderate stereotyping dickface *jumps out of the chair and lungs towards Dean.*
Sam: run! Dean! Run!

(Inspired by kakuko who was sitting next to me ranting about this while I was writing it)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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