"What do you love to do in your spare time?"

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ChrissyDov ask "what do you love to do in your spare time?"

Dean: well, we try to keep ourselves busy as we can but I geuss for me its going to the club or the bar, whatever you want to call it. I actually enjoy helping Alex with stuff.

Sam: like Dean said, we like to keep ourselves busy but I like reading, learning stuff, I for some odd reason like training with Alex.

Alexia: Oooh, god im gonna have to think about this one, training, writing, drawing, cooking, I don't know why, I love cooking. creating music and dancing, and swimming, definitely.

Sam: Alex has always gone swimming whenever she could.

Dean: and it can be annoying because she can just dissapear and she's not answering her phone and we'd get worried.

Alexia: it's not my faulT, it's hard to hear your phone ringing when your heads underwater.

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