Through His Eyes [3]

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{{Dedicated to @maffies for leaving sweet and elaborate comments on every single chapter. I appreciate it greatly.}}




"It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up."

Rhea would second J.K. Rowling's words in a heartbeat, because as dread had grown in the pit of her stomach by the second, the clock had seemed to tick faster and faster, bringing closer the unwanted yet inevitable arrival of Monday.

The digital screen of the clock on her nightstand read 1:08 AM –six hours fifty two minutes until she had to wake up and get ready to face whatever the dreaded Monday would throw at her.

She stared at the now-and-then-flickering screen of the clock and the digits she saw changed countless times without her being able to rid herself of the anxiety that was coursing through her veins.  

The situation she was in was unfathomable, to say the very least.  Sometime within the next twenty four hours, she would meet her soulmate.  What were you even supposed to do with that sort of knowledge?  Would possessing such knowledge derail her off the track of meeting her soulmate, or would it drive her right into his arms?  What if she stayed home and avoided any and every human contact for the entire day?  The paradox was too much for her to comprehend at what was now almost two in the morning, so with a sigh she turned to lie on her stomach, placing her hands under her pillow.

The last thought she had before she finally drifted off into a restless sleep was of the snippets.

She'd got her fair share of snippets over the course of the week, ranging from a television screen to the freezer section of the big supermarket in the town center.  Yet she still had no clue as to who her soulmate was supposed to be.  Couldn't he have looked into a mirror or something, making the situation a lot less complicated for the both of them?  Though he probably wasn't aware of her existence, so any anxiety that was to be felt about the situation fell on her lap; he'd just get to reap the benefits and she couldn't help but resent him for it, even though she knew full well it wasn't his fault.

On Wednesday evening, she'd seen him picking up cartons of milk, going through them to check their expiration dates –something Rhea always forgot to do whenever she went grocery shopping on her own.  Oh good, she'd thought, at least there'd be a sensible person in the relationship. 

Thursday morning, it had been a Bruce Willis movie that she'd seen through his eyes.  She couldn't tell which one, even with her vast knowledge on movies; the guy had made a shit ton of action movies.

Thursday afternoon, she'd got another one; one that made her insides feel like goo, making warmth course through her.  So much so, that she'd had to fight off a smile for the rest of the day whenever she'd thought back to it.  What she'd seen was the same little brown-haired girl from before –probably a sister or a niece– and the little girl was painting her soulmate's nails with bright, neon pink nail polish. 

To allow something like that, he would have to be someone full of love for this little girl, someone confident and someone with a sense of humor.  By far, this snippet was the one that made her feel the most excited to meet her soulmate

The concept of soulmates had never sat well with her before; her view on love and relationships was a pretty cynical one.  She believed that people mutually decided to settle for one another, thinking it was the best they would find; and then as they came to accept this fact more and more, they fooled themselves into thinking it was love.

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