Through His Eyes [16]

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{{Dedicated to @tessa-x for reading, leaving the kindest comments and also writing one of my favorite books on Wattpad lately.}}


That night, after she got back from the ice cream shop, Rhea called Willa as she'd promised she would. The second she picked up the phone, Willa urged Rhea to tell her everything, so she did. She glossed over the cheating girlfriend, even though she and Floyd had ended up talking some more about her during their three hour conversation. From all she'd learned about her, Rhea had concluded she was a manipulative, psychopathic bitch -coming from someone who was completely against girls calling each other such words, it went a long way to tell how insane she thought this girl was-. While she told Willa every little thing about her life, this was not her secret to share. All she gave Willa was that Floyd had a pretty solid reason for behaving the way he had and that he'd promised to never do it again. Thankfully, Willa was content with knowing they had worked out their problems.

Rhea plopped herself down on her bed while still holding the phone to her ear. This was how it always had been for them, once they started talking, they'd be on the phone for hours on end. She'd received one too many scoldings from her parents about how she'd end up frying her brain if she kept spending so much time on her phone, and sometimes she'd listen to them and switch to Skype, and other times -right now, for instance- she'd just ignore the radiation threat as if that would make it disappear completely.

"So, has Floyd asked you to the Equinox dance?" Willa asked. Her question was followed by shuffling sounds from her end of the conversation and Rhea could just about see her rolling in bed like a four year old like she always did whenever she was on the phone. Willa was one of those people that just couldn't sit still during a phone conversation.

"No." Rhea bit the inside of her cheek as she dreadfully answered her friend's question. She'd hoped Floyd would ask her today when they'd met up at the ice cream shop. In fact, she'd pretty much waited for it for all three hours that they'd spent together, yet the topic hadn't even come up.

"What, why?" Willa asked. "The dance is this Friday."

"I know. He just- he didn't." She let out a sigh, closing her eyes.

"I'm sure he'll ask," Willa said in a reassuring voice.

In that moment, Rhea's phone beeped twice, signaling another caller on the line. She briefly removed the phone from her ear to check the caller ID. It was Floyd. Telling her friend she'd call her back in a second, she hung up, taking Floyd's call instead.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, are you home?"

"Yes," she said, dragging out the word hesitantly because she couldn't figure out why he would be asking her that.

"It was a trick question," Floyd declared. "I already know, because I am in front of your house and I can see your light is on."

At that, Rhea got up from her place on the bed and rushed to the window, parting the curtain to take a peek. Sure enough, Floyd's car was parked in front of their house and he was outside, leaning against his car door. His hands were shoved inside his jean's pockets with his phone tucked between his shoulder and his cheek and he was grinning up at her lazily.

"Wanna come down for a minute?" he whispered, and for some reason, his tone coupled with the way he made eye contact sent a slight shiver through Rhea's spine.

She nodded at him, backing away from the window hurriedly to adjust herself into looking presentable again. She was still in the sweatpants she'd worn out that day and Floyd had already seen her in them so she decided to forego all pretenses, patted her tangled and frazzled hair a little bit and made her way out.

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