Through His Eyes [27]

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{{Dedicated to @impediments because she's the sweetest lil cutie pie}}


Rhea woke up thinking someone needed to punch her in the face, stat. If that was what would make her see reason for once in her life, she'd sit back and take it. Admittedly, she'd been known to make some bad decisions whenever she was around Caleb recently, but this one definitely took the cake. Because agreeing to be Caleb's friend? Worst. Decision. Ever. It wasn't that she didn't want to be Caleb's friend. That was among the many other things she wanted to be to Caleb. Being just friends with him? That's what made her want to repeatedly punch herself in the face.

As much as it had sucked to not talk to Caleb, at least it was safe. Safe from heartbreak, safe from the crushing disappointment and frustration brought on by not being able to get as close to him as she wanted. Being his friend? Being around him but not being able to reach out and sweep back his hair when it fell in his eyes? Not being able to kiss the corner of his lips when he ever so adorably squinted and bit down on his tongue as he concentrated on something? That was sure to hurt more than any sort of distance would.

That was why she was a quivering mass of equal parts dread and anticipation that morning.

Last night at Caleb's house had been...interesting to say the very least. As she'd lived it, she'd been bombarded with too much at once to analyze every single one of them at length, but once she'd made it home, she'd mulled everything over in the comfort of her bed until the wee hours of morning.

The mixed signals she'd gotten all evening were enough to make her head spin. There was an undeniable change in Caleb's attitude towards her. He was more familiar with her now, he'd been in her personal space so many times, she was sure she could pick his cologne from a test stand of hundreds-not that she couldn't before, but that was beside the point. And there were also all those meaningful words and secretive smiles. But then at the end of the night, he'd gone and asked to be her friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Even if it was more than likely unintentional, he'd managed to mess with her head-and her heart-once again.

Waking up that morning was an impossible feat. She'd barely gotten three good hours of sleep and coupled with the way she dreaded going to school, she felt like burying herself under her comforter and never getting up.

She did though, of course she did. Because once again, she was at war with herself. Wanting and not wanting to be around Caleb, she dragged herself out of bed and got ready.

Willa was waiting outside in her car when Rhea finally managed to make her way out the door. She got in and slumped in the passenger seat. It took Willa a total of five seconds to analyze her expression and pull her into one of her hugs that Rhea was sure carried magical healing powers.

Disentangling herself from her friend, Rhea rested her head on her shoulder before she said, "You know I love you, right?"

Willa cheekily shoved her away in response. "Rhea, stop. You know I see you as a friend."

"Jerk," she whispered under her breath. "Be serious for one second."

"Fine," she said. This time it was Willa who rested her head on Rhea's shoulder. "You know I love you too."

"It's just that... I've been so caught up in all my soulmate drama these past couple of months that I wasn't always a very good friend to you. But the truth is...there isn't just one type of soulmate for a person. You...I'd be lost without you. You're my soulmate, Willa. Forever and always."

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