Chapter 3 - Second Time's The Charm

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Chapter 3 - Second Time's the Charm

The weekend.

Oh, how I looked forward to my weekends. Away from work, away from the stress and away from Jasper. The tension between us had become ridiculous, he was still pissed off over the 'Vincent situation' so I did everything in my power to avoid him but thanks to my profession, I'd filed that under the impossible.

"I'm so bored," Melissa whined for the millionth time this evening as I folded my laundry.

"How the hell can you be bored?" I laughed. "You practically left the country yesterday!"

"Well, I need constant stimulation," she shrugged. "And since Blake isn't here to physically stimulate me, I'm going to have to settle for some sort of mental stimulation."

I grimaced. "First of all - gross. Second, if you're that desperate to stimulate your mind, we could visit that new club downtown?"

"You would never go clubbing on a normal day let alone a day before work! What the hell happened at the office this week?" She joked, not knowing about my disagreement with Jasper or my dreaded meeting with Catherine Reed.

"I just want to have a good time before work," I lied easily, making my way upstairs to change.

"Is my stuff still in the guest room?"

"On the left-hand side!" I yelled from inside my room.

I opened my closet, settling on a pair of skinny jeans and a pink silk shirt.

Twenty minutes later, I was stood at the top of the stairs, wondering whether my dear best friend was intending on making it out some time this year.

"Finally," I muttered as she swung the door open.

"You look like a child, Scarlett." She stated emerging from my guest bedroom, dressed in an LBD and a pair of bright red skyscraper heels.

"And you look like a hooker." I replied giving her a pointed look as she flipped her hair grinning. "Let's go."


"What's it like working for a sexy man you can call boss?" Bella asked eagerly as we sipped on our cocktails once we were settled into the club.

This was becoming ridiculously boring and we'd only been here for an hour.

"It's fine, I guess." I said trying not to sound too bored.

"Yeah, but... It's Jasper Queen, the most sexiest bachelor alive!" Jade piped up loudly.

"Mm hm." I stood up and walked over to the bar to order another drink while the rest of them exchanged confused glances.

Jade and Bella were nice girls but the pair of them gave true definition to the term airhead.

Lucky for me, Melissa was friends with all sorts of people so she would be entertainment enough for the girls.

"A lady like yourself shouldn't be alone in such a place, Scarlett." A male voice spoke as I turned around to match a face to the voice. It was none other than Vincent Haynes dressed in a sharp grey suit making him stand out in the casual club.

"I can take care of myself very well thank you very much!" I snapped at him, downing my drink quickly.

"I didn't mean to offend you." He held up his hands as if he were surrendering. "This place is not safe for a beautiful woman like yourself, there are a lot of creeps hanging around here."

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